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* Austin's POV *

"Is he okay?"

"He's fine!" She snapped back in defence, looking down at Spencer on her lap, shaking like a leaf.

"Okay... it's just he doesn't look fine..."

"He's a chihuahua Austin, he shakes. Are we nearly there?"

They had left the next morning, both Delilah and Spencer seeming to be on edge the entire time. He couldn't really blame her, he knew what he was asking was a lot, knew how selfish he'd been in asking it, she had every right to be nervous.

Dre had tried calling him a few times between last night and this morning, none of which he had answered. He knew things were tense there and understood that he was the main reason for it, but was still clear headed enough to realise that they wouldn't get anywhere if he tried to have a conversation with him at the moment.

"This is me." He nodded toward the passenger window as they approached his gate. He watched her eyes widen as he made the right turn onto his property and drove the length of his driveway before pulling into one of the parking spots. He wasn't sure what she had expected when he had told her he had property in Salt Lake but this clearly wasn't it.

He jumped out of the car, rushing to her side to open the door for her while she had collected Spencer and her bag. The shy smile she gave him as he held the door open for her caused tingles through this body and a throbbing he hadn't felt in too long. Shit, he needed to get a grip on this bullshit.

He opened the boot and went to grab her bags for her before she placed her hand in his shoulder.
"I'm here to take care of you remember?" She spoke softly, handing Spencer over to him before grabbing her bags herself.

It was almost mid day when they had arrived at his property. He had called ahead to make sure that the house would be clean and presentable, had asked for the fridges and cupboards to be stocked, knowing he hadn't been home for a while and that whatever food remained was properly no longer safe for human consumption, if it ever had been.

He had also asked for the house to be made to feel a little more 'homey', his house keeper suggesting some Vanilla and French Pear scented candles, throw blankets and pillows as well as some bouquets of fresh flowers. He wasn't sure why it mattered to him all of a sudden, it had never bothered him when other people came over and saw his frat house lifestyle.

He wanted her to feel comfortable in his house, he knew he had already put her out with the whole situation and wanted to do whatever he could to try and ease her nerves. He also wanted to try and prove to her that despite his recent actions, he was somewhat of a decent person and capable of looking after himself, she didn't need to know that he had paid someone to do it all for him.

"Wow, Austin this is beautiful." He watched as she entered the foyer, her eyes darting around taking in the details of the house.

His chest swelled with pride at her compliment.
"Yeah? Thank you..."

"It feels like you, your house in LA is nice but this..." she placed her bags down near the stairs and started making her way to the sitting area.

"The LA house is just a rental. There's still a lot I wanna do here but it's home." He followed her through the sitting area to the large glass doors that lead to the yard.

"This view is amazing."

"Gorgeous huh?" He stood next to her silently, his eyes alternating between the view in front of him and the view beside him. He wasn't completely sure which view he was referring to but was pretty sure it was both.
"It's quiet, I get left alone, I love it."

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