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Her mind wouldn't stop racing, over analysing every second of their morning together as she stood in the shower allowing the warm water to wash over her.

She could still feel the warmth of his hands gripping her body tightly as he held her against the rock wall. She couldn't understand why his grip on her felt more protective than domineering or threatening, nor why her body ached and felt like she was missing a piece of her when she thought of him. She didn't want to miss the feeling of him towering over her, of his fingers exploring her skin, but fuck she did.

His face appeared as soon as she closed her eyes, washing the shampoo from her hair. His eyes lighting up as they met hers, his smile taking over his face, his tongue coming out to lick over his plump lips.

She refused to acknowledge that there was something there, determined to burry away any evidence of feelings. She knew she was getting to close to him, finding too much comfort from him, she was approaching dangerous territory. Nothing good had ever come from her letting her guard down in the past, that much she had learnt.

Their time here was almost up and tomorrow they would be heading back to LA. She knew she would go with him for his tests but then as soon as he had his results he would tell his family and they could go back to normal, barely acknowledging each other. She was a fucking actor, she could do this.

It was for the best.

She made her way out of the shower and got dried and dressed before forcing a brave face on. She was ready to deal with whatever conversation was coming now that she had a level head back, those stupid fucking hormones a distance memory.

She knew she needed to tackle this head on, she wanted to be the one to approach him first, to take control of the conversation of what happened in the spring. She didn't want him seeing her any more as the little lamb that needed to be taken care of.

She was building all her courage, about to leave her room when she heard other phone ringing.

"Hey Gia."

"Hey Lila, how are ya?" Her friend's voice came happily through the phone.

"I'm fine, how are you? How's the wedding planning?" She took a seat on her bed, knowing she could be in for a long conversation as soon as she asked that question.

"I'm good, stressed trying to get everything figured out, boys have it so easy I swear. I feel like all I do is rush around and stress about this wedding and Brad hasn't lifted a finger." She could hear the way Gia sounded frazzled, the stress of planning obviously taking it's toll on her.

"I'm sorry Gia, and I'm sorry I haven't been around more. Once I'm back in LA I'm all yours if you need anything."

"Back in LA? Where are you?"

Delilah fell silent for a moment, the words had escaped her before she had realised or come up with an excuse for where she was.
"I'm just outta town at the moment... just visiting with Hailie... but I'll be back tomorrow or Monday at the latest."

"Hmm could it possibly be tomorrow instead of Monday? Brad and I were trying to organise a night out with our wedding party and tomorrow night works for everyone, it's just you and Austin we needed to confirm with."

She couldn't stop her eye roll at the mention of a night out, especially since Gia's mood indicated a night with the wedding party would be a very big night. Delilah on the other hand couldn't think of anything worse, she hated that she couldn't be excited for it the way the Maid of Honour should be, but she knew the way these nights ended.


"Lila please, I know you don't like going out, you don't have to come for long, but you're my Maid of Honour." Her face fell into her hand, her fingers coming up to rub over her temple as she listened to the guilt trip Gia was laying on her.
"Everything's just been so crazy lately and we just want to get everyone together and have some fun. It isn't going to be anything too big and you'll know everyone there..."

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