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* Austin's POV *


"You want me to what?" His voice was shaky and he wasn't sure if it was from nerves, excitement or disbelief. Maybe it was all three.

"Show me how you like being touched." Some of the boldness was gone from her eyes and her voice. He didn't mean to make her repeat herself, he didn't want her thinking it wasn't the biggest fucking turn on because fuck! Her request alone had almost been enough to choke him out. "Please?"

Shit this wasn't going to go well for him. Why didn't he pull one out in the shower? Then at least he'd have a chance of lasting long enough to even get a hand on himself. Maybe she would be a little less intimidated if she sees him only last 20 seconds.

He felt all his nerves hit him again as her fingers trailed over the top of his towel. She had touched him so many times, had touched the skin on his belly so many times, but this time it felt completely different.

Her eyes met his again, asking her question silently this time.


He knew he still didn't have a chance of getting any English out so nodded his head silently, his mouth agape and he was sure there must have been drooling.

Her left hand came up to help her right untuck his towel as she leaned in and kissed him softly. Holy fuck her lips were magic.

Just breathe.

Two hands on him, two hands delicately trailing over the sensitive skin of his belly.

Keep breathing.

His eyes were focused on her hands as she carefully undid the towel, trying to steady himself before he was exposed again for her. He felt his towel go loose, each side of the fabric still being held tightly by her.

His eyes quickly darted to hers as the warm, thick air between them covered him. He needed to see her reaction. He needed to make sure she was okay so he could quickly step in if she wasn't.

He watched her as her eyes widened, her fingers letting go on the steel grey material before it fell to either side of him. He was rock hard, she had seen him naked before, she had felt him through their clothes while he was seated against her, but she had never seen him this fucking ready before.

She took in a long, slow breath as her eyes took him in before raising to meet his. He'd become accustomed to identifying the different emotions behind her eyes and right now he knew nervousness would be there. He hadn't expected to see two flames burning in the forefront, almost completely eclipsing any hint of her nerves behind them. These flames were going to do nothing to help his stamina.

He needed to feel her again, to taste her, he needed the reality of her being here with him to ground him. His hands landed on either cheek, pulling her in as his lips crashed against hers. Her lips instantly parted, allowing his tongue entry and just the thought of having a piece of himself inside her made him shudder.

He had hoped kissing her would calm him down a little, the reassurance and familiarity of it all. It did help ground him but had done nothing to calm him down. He was aching, he couldn't remember the last time he'd been this fucking sensitive. Just the air between them on his delicate skin felt like too much and yet not enough.

Her fingers trailed softly over the skin of his sides. Everything about her was so graceful, so precise and controlled. He was trying to honour that by matching with his own self control but with each gentle movement of her fingers and tongue, it was getting harder for him to maintain his composure.

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