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*This chapter discusses abuse and abduction*

She felt like she was floating, like the weight of his body was the only thing holding her down, preventing her from drifting away on the soft night breeze.

This type of kissing was like nothing she had experienced before. The wanting behind each gentle movement, the electricity that each soft touch shot through her body, this was completely unfamiliar to her.

Every delicious aspect of him had caught her off guard. His lips were so soft, so plump, so loving in their leisurely movements with hers.  Every one of his actions were patient, he was allowing her total control.

Her nerves had threatened to get the better of her after their first kiss. She could feel he was holding himself back, her mind instantly trying to self sabotage and convince her that he didn't want this, he didn't want her.

She had pulled away for a moment, trying to regain control of her thoughts and silence her inner tormenting. When her eyes hesitantly locked with his, she could see nothing but white hot flames, the way he was burning for her more than enough to reinstate her confidence.

He had settled more on top of her now, his initial reservations obvious as he was careful not to put too much weight or pressure on her. She knew it was his body's way of giving her an easy escape, hers responding by settling further under him, connecting herself to him more. Her legs had fallen open wider, her knees rising on either side, holding him in place.

His hands were still cemented on either side of her head, caging her beneath him as he held himself above her. She wasn't sure if it was to do with his self control but she was beginning to crave more of him - more from him, needing to feel his hands on her skin.

One hand remained cupping his face while her other slowly trailed down his neck, over his shoulder and down his side in featherlight touches. She felt him shiver under her finger tips as he let out a soft moan, a shock wave rushing straight to her core. Her hand made it's way up the bottom hem of his shirt where it settled on his waist, holding on to his skin in desperation. This want, this need for him, the way he was clouding her mind, the effect he was having on her body had captured her completely.

"It's cold baby, you're freezing. Let's go inside." He spoke over her, the back of his warm hand heating her icy cheek. She couldn't understand how her skin was anything but burning along with the rest of her body.

He removed himself from her, lacing his fingers with hers and gently pulling her up to follow him as he lead them back inside.

"Will you um... do you..." She stumbled over her words, her mind still hazed by the steam they'd created.

He watched her patiently, a soft smile appearing on his lips. The soft, full lips that she now couldn't take her eyes off, knowing the way they felt on her, knowing the way they made her feel. "Will you stay tonight?" She finally managed to get out a little more timidly than she had intended.

"You want me to?" He asked, gently brushing her hair behind her ear. She nodded against his hand, her smile growing as his mirrored hers.

He leaned closer, kissing her softly before pulling away. "Then I'll stay."

She watched as he made his way over to the side of the bed, undoing his jeans and kicking them off before raising his shirt over his head and climbing in. She had been in bed with him like this many times before yet tonight felt different, tonight made her stomach backflip and goosebumps grow on her skin.

Her breath caught in her throat and it took a moment for her to realise the tingling on her skin, the pins and needles she was feeling wasn't nervousness, it was excitement.  She knew that he would never do anything she was uncomfortable with, she trusted him completely.

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