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"What do you want?" She asked him as he curled behind her further, kissing deeper into the crook of her neck. This had become her favourite position, him behind her, his left hand splayed out on the skin of her stomach as he had slowly crept the material further up with each kiss.

She wasn't sure how exactly they had ended up here, in his bed. He had told her he loved her, she had ended up in his arms and everything was a blur until she could feel him hard behind her through his boxers while she sat against him in her cami and panties, the unfamiliar pooling between her thighs making her breath catch in her chest.

"What do I want?" He repeated, obviously confused by her question before his lips began trailing closer up to her jaw line. She felt his lips curl into a smile as a shiver took over her body when he found a particularly sensitive spot below her ear.

"In this moment, what do you want?" She asked again, her voice little more than a breath as her skin continued to tingle under him. "What would make you happy?"

His lips found her right ear, nipping gently on her lobe. "I'd say I'm pretty fucking content baby."

She turned to face him, her fingers finding their way to tangle in his curls. "Only pretty?"

"Perfectly fucking content." He told her. He pulled her closer, blowing a raspberry on the soft skin of her throat before tugging her around  as she giggled against the skin of his chest.

"That's better." She looked up to him, allowing herself to drown in the way he was watching her, the adoration she could see in his eyes, trying to come up with ways that they could stay here together forever.

She pushed herself off him, moving back to her original position, her back against his chest as her hand landed on his thigh. Fuck his boxers were tight, her heat clenched knowing just how much he wanted her.  "You know what I mean... tomorrow, the following day... what would make you happy?"

"You. The answer is always going to be you." He spoke as he continuing to lay open mouthed kisses on her skin, following the slope of her shoulder, gently nudging the strap of her cami with his nose as he continued on his path.

"Baby..." she sighed as her fingers grasped his thigh, her use of the pet name making his head instantly pop up. The intensity in his eyes shot a blaze straight to her core.

"Okay, I want you to come to Utah with me tomorrow." He told her as he shuffled her body underneath his. He lay half over her, the warmth of his bare skin covering her with goosebumps. "I want you to stay with us for Easter. I want you to stay with me forever."

"I do need to see Lawrence. I can't just ignore this." She told him as her finger delicately traced the slope of his nose and over his plump lips.

"Then I'll stay and come with you. We can fly out after."

"I want to do this on my own." She told him as delicately as she could, not wanting to offend or upset him.

"But Del you don't have to, you don't have to fight this alone." His voice was dripping with concern, the worry on his face making her want to fold.

"I know Austin, I do." She told him with a smile, placing a kiss on the tip of his nose. "I feel like I need to try, for me. I need to know I can."

He stared at her for a moment, seeming unsure whether to say what he was thinking before laying his head down against her chest. "I feel like if I leave you here you're going to disappear on me, you'll find a reason to push me away."

She ran her fingers over the smooth skin of his back, scratching her nails across gently. "I promise you I have no intention of doing that."

He sighed heavily, obviously still not comfortable with her decision but she knew he would honour it. "Okay... just please promise me if something happens, or if you change your mind, you'll tell me. If you don't feel up to coming I'll understand. Just please don't shut me out."

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