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*Delilah's POV*

She wasn't entirely sure where she was headed. All she knew was that they had to get out of there.

Delilah had seen shadows through the light of the open front door and knew that Brad or Gia were following behind Austin. She was embarrassed enough by what she'd heard him say to Brad about her, she didn't want the ensuing conversation to have a live audience. Obviously when it came down to her fight or flight reflex, there was a clear winner.

When she had arrived to Gia's late she had hoped that Austin would have taken the chance to speak to them about his diagnosis. As she made her way into the kitchen she had seen how tense he was, not to mention how pale and unwell he looked, but she took the upbeat mood of Brad and Gia as a clear sign that Austin hadn't made the most of her tardiness.

He couldn't carry this alone. She may not know him, but suffering in silence is something she knows well, the way it shatters your heart slowly at first and the suddenly all at once.

Throughout the evening she had wondered how neither Brad or Gia had picked up that something was wrong and how they had been able to ignore his sullen demeanour. The three of them were still their usual, upbeat selves while Austin had sat in almost silence, slumped in the corner. Delilah had decided to deliver another golden opportunity as she stole Gia away to tidy up inside, hoping Brad would speak to Austin.

"Thank you so much for coming tonight at such short notice. It means so much that both you and Austin were able to come. Trying to figure out a date when you're both going to be in the same country is already giving me the worst anxiety." Gia rinsed off the dishes before handing them to Delilah as she delicately placed them in the dishwasher.

"We're talking about your wedding Gia, I told you already, you tell me when and where and I'll be there, no matter what." Delilah slid the rack back into the machine and pushed the door closed.

"Hey has Austin seemed off to you tonight?" Gia passed her the hand towel, crossing her arms as she leant against the corner of the bench.

"I guess he's been a bit quiet..." Delilah placed the hand towel back over the rail, avoiding Gia's eyes.

"Brad said he and Mischa had a big night last night but Mischa was out with her friends, I was getting snaps all night..." Delilah started making her way to the back door, she hated being dishonest with Gia and just wanted this conversation to end before she accidentally stepped on any invisible land mines.

"Delilah" his rasp snapped her back to reality "I'm so fucking sorry Del".

She chanced a look over at him, he was still slumped against the white leather of the seat, his sickly complexion almost blending in to the headrest, his head turned to face her while his hands gingerly cradled her purse. Her heart sank a little at the sight of him.

"Austin I'm taking you to LAC"

He instantly started shaking his head "No, I'm fine, it's just hit me is all. I just need some sleep." He pleaded as convincingly as he could. "If I'm still feeling like this tomorrow I'll go."

Her eyes darted back and forth between the road and him, still sceptical of his answer. 
"I promise... you can fucking drive me."

She took a moment to think it through, her turning up with a white, vomiting Post Malone probably wasn't the most inconspicuous way to get him to hospital. Even if there wasn't any paparazzi around to capture the moment, there was no doubt that someone would spot them and document it on TikTok.

"Okay" she gently agreed, concern still seeping from every pore.

The rest of the drive home had been silent and before long he had drifted off to sleep, his gentle snores the only sound between them.

"Austin" she softly placed her hand in his shoulder trying not to startle him. "Austin we're home, let's get you to bed." She reached over and unfastened his seat belt as he slowly started to wake. As his eyes opened she could see his pupils struggling to focus and the pain on his face as he fought to keep them open.
"Are you dizzy?"

He slowly nodded his head as he let out a pained groan.

They remained silent as she helped him out of her car, her soiled purse still firmly in hand. His hand was shaking uncontrollably as he attempted to place his keys in the lock and open his door. Delilah gently placed hers over his and helped guide the key into the lock, swinging the door open as she took her purse from his grip and helped him through the door.

Once inside, Austin sat down on the stairs in the entry way as Delilah made her way to the kitchen, turning on the lights before grabbing a couple of bottles of water and searching the cupboards for a large bowl. He began standing back up as she returned, taking his arm and helping him up the stairs to his bedroom before pulling down his blankets for him as he perched on the end of the bed removing his shoes and socks.

She wasn't entirely sure why there had been no question as to whether she was going to come inside, no question as to whether she was going to help him upstairs into bed. There had been no awkwardness, tension or uncomfortable silence. She also wasn't entirely sure where the hurt and anger had dissipated from the time she'd heard those words leave his mouth to the time he'd jumped in her car.

"Do you need to have a shower?" She asked, hoping not to offend him with the question.

Austin slowly shook his head. "I need to lie down" he managed to get out, his eyes held tightly closed as he began wrestling with his jeans before she took his hands and helped him to hit feet. She timidly reached to undo his button and fly and delicately slid his jeans down for him.

"Arms up" Delilah instructed before bunching the fabric at the bottom of his T-shirt and raising it up his body. She carefully manoeuvred it past his arms and over his head, dropping it to the ground with his jeans before softly taking his hand in hers as she began to lead him to his bed.

"Del" he quickly gasped as he stopped walking and held tightly to her hand. As she spun around to face him she had realised why he had stopped suddenly. She slammed her eyes and mouth shut and took a deep breath, preparing for the worst. Luckily he had managed to avoid her face, covering them both from the chest down.

Delilah took a long deep breath trying to regain some composure and lose some of that rediscovered rage before opening her eyes again. However as she met his tear brimmed eyes, she knew she couldn't have held on to her anger no matter how hard she tried.

"It's okay" she wondered if she sounded as unconvincing as it felt "come on".

She slowly lead them to the ensuite, switching on the light and the heater as they passed.

"Do you think you need to be sick again?"

Austin slowly shook his head as they made their way to the toilet, Delilah closing the seat and signalling for him to take a seat.

"Towels?" She asked as she turned the shower on, steam slowly creeping up the glass screen.

"Middle" Austin whispered, his head still low and eyes on the floor. 

Delilah grabbed two of the soft, fluffy towels from the centre cupboard, placing them on the counter before sliding her heels off and pushing them out of the way. She hurriedly slipped out of her jeans and tossed her shirt to the floor, taking care to not let any of the clothing touch her face in the process.

"Okay, are you ready?" she made her way back to Austin without a second thought.

She was so focussed on getting the vomit covered clothes off her body that she hadn't stopped to realise she was standing in front of him in her underwear, exposed.

She watched as his eyes raised from the floor, pupils widening as her body came into view.
"Jesus, Delilah..."

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