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Their week together in Utah had been perfect.

His nausea after the treatment hadn't lasted long this time before he had perked up again. They both tried not to let it get their hopes up, though neither of them had the courage to bring up the topic of his tests.

She had helped him finalise the songs for the album, helped him record some and produced them enough to send through for Dre. It had been enough to get him off Austin's back for the time being. The feedback he had received had all been positive, better than any before he had told her. She had a hunch he was just trying to convince her to keep helping him.

They'd worked on several songs together as well, most would probably never see the light of day but fuck it felt incredible knowing there was something tangible she could hold on to.

Rich and Jodie had been over every day, either for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Her love affair with them was growing stronger by the second, every day they accepted her more as a part of their family. She and Jodie would go for hikes while Austin and Rich spent time together, then Rich and she would cook together or take one of Austin's cars out. She didn't know how it would feel to be an integral part of a family but she was sure it was something like this.

She had contacted her agent and told him that she was taking an indefinite break, she'd finish her album but would tour if and when she wanted. 

She'd also called Dr White and booked an appointment for when they were back in LA. She'd had an hour long discussion with her over FaceTime where Austin had formally met her and been part of their discussion.

Laurence had flown out today to discuss the plan he and Taylor had put in place and the best way for her to fight Rob's intentions. Austin had sat beside her at his table for hours, his hand locked with hers the entire time as they discussed every possible next step regarding Rob's book, the possibility of him appealing his charges and what her best course of action would be.

She had lost count of the number of times she looked over to him throughout the day catching tears in his eyes, all the colour drained from his body. Yet he stayed sitting beside her, a constant source of strength the second her eyes drifted to him or she felt his strong hands hold her tighter.

She had walked Laurence out to their waiting SUV to take him back to the airport, back to LA. When she returned he was gone from the table, the mass of paperwork still sprawled over the white marble.

Today had been long and hard, probably more painful for him than her she figured. None of this was new information to her, a lot of it was for him. She knew that if she had the choice of taking the torture or letting it happen to him, she would endure it all over.

After searching downstairs for him she made her way upstairs, heading to his bedroom. The open French doors of her room told her where he would be.

"I was looking for you." She approached gently, he was laying back in the deep bath tub, his face pointed to the ceiling and his eyes closed.

"You were?" His eyes popped open at her voice as his eyes met hers, giving her the best attempt of a smile he could.

"I was." She breathed out as she leant over the bath and captured his lips with hers.

It had been hours of planning and discussing the most horrible topic, she felt like her life force had almost been completely drained from her. Each second his lips moved so softly against hers she could feel her soul returning.

"Are you okay?" She asked after reluctantly pulling her lips from his, perching herself on the edge of the tub.

"I think I'm supposed to ask you that baby."
She sat and watched him, her fingers gently brushing one of his curls back out of his face as she willed him to answer without her needing to press. "I'm okay. It was a lot."

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