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"Okay, are you sure you're going to be alright here? I'm sure Gia wont mind postponing..." the look he gave her as she spoke was enough to make her pause, he obviously knew just as well as she did that postponing looking for her Maid of Honour dress would send Gia into a spiral.
"Okay maybe she would but she would get over it..."

"Go, I'll be okay. It's just like the world's worst hangover and I have plenty of experience with those." He followed her downstairs slowly, holding on to the bannister.
"I'll probably just go back to bed and try and sleep through it."

"Okay, but if you need anything please call."
She stopped at the front door, waiting for him to catch up.

"Del, I'll be fine."

"Did you let Dre know you aren't going tonight?" The way his eyes quickly dropped to the floor was answer enough for her.

"I know..." He sighed defeatedly.

"You understand your doctor specifically said to avoid these exact events right?"

"I know." His voice was even lower this time, as if he was being told off by his mother.
"I'll call him, I promise, I'm not going." He stepped forward opening the door for her as she stepped out.

"You can have your next pill at 5, get some rest okay." She smiled softly before heading towards her car, quickly rushing home to get changed before picking up Gia.


"Oh wow Lila! That might be the one!" Gia almost burst with excitement as Delilah came out from behind the curtain of the dressing room. She had been trying on dresses for what felt like days at this point, she'd lost track of how many different shops they had been to.

"The two piece sets are very popular at the moment and this one is stunning." The sales assistant made her way towards Delilah, adjusting her top at the back, laying the fabric of the halter out flat against her neck.

"It's gorgeous, a little skin but not enough to be distracting. I love the colour as well." Gia made her way up to where Delilah was standing, her fifth glass of champagne in hand. "I was set on navy but this maroon is amazing, what do you think Lila?"

"It is beautiful, did Brad have any thoughts on colours?" She nervously pulled at the fabric of the top making sure there was no skin showing between it and the skirt before brushing down the satin fabric of the skirt, adjusting it over her thighs so it sat straight as Gia and the sales assistant started laughing.

"Brad will think whatever colour I decide." Gia shrugged, taking a step back as she inspected Delilah from another angle.

She had been doing her best impression of the doting Maid of Honour for the past five hours now, trying on any garment that was shoved her way, watching as both Gia and the sales assistant seemed to get more and more obnoxious with each glass of champagne.

She spent so much of her life playing dress ups, having people dress her and fawn over her that this was nothing new to her, but it was something she couldn't stand. The constant pulling and straightening and prodding at her by strangers made her uncomfortable. She had had to fend Gia off as well after she tried to push her way into the change rooms on several occasions.

"Well we've seen plenty of options today, you don't have to make your decision right now." She knew at the end of the day she would go along with whatever Gia asked her to wear, but she hoped that she may be able to distract her long enough for her to get over the idea of a two piece. She didn't want to have to be worried about any of the raised reminders on her body being exposed at the wedding.

"You're right, we should head off to dinner, I'm starving." Gia downed the last mouthful of drink before placing the glass down on the coffee table and beginning to make her way to the door. "I'll meet you out front, I'm going to give Brad a call."

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