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She was a fucking moron.

The second his thick finger glided softly over her delicate, bare skin she knew. His rough, calloused finger tip caressed her slick lips so gently before easing past them, deeper into her heat.

She didn't have any chance to control the moan before it left her, sounding as hopelessly desperate as she felt.

But he felt it too.

She could hear it in his breathing, feel his shivers against her, feel him long and hard and leaking against the skin of her hip. Her senses were getting overwhelmed from everything he was giving her and he had barely started.

Her core instantly clenched around him, gripping him tightly as he slowly entered her and the resistance of him pushing against her made her breath catch in her throat.

"Fuck baby... is this okay?" The rasp in his voice was thicker than she'd ever heard it, his eyes locked on her in a way that made her feel completely exposed in a way she'd never experienced.

In a good way, an exciting way.

Her brain had been liquified, she could see him begin to get nervous the longer she was silent. A shaky "mmhmm" was all she could manage to get out and she hoped that he could see in her eyes just how fucking okay this was.

"You're so fucking tight around me baby." His warm breath fanned over her face, his voice strained as he slowly began withdrawing his finger. She felt him twitch against her, felt his throb before more wetness coated her.

She could feel herself covering him, feel how easily he slid out of her and she thought she should be ashamed at how desperate her body had become. Her walls being stretched around him as he pushed back into her quickly silenced any nerves that were trying to escape.

He began to build a steady rhythm against her, his thumb carefully edging around her nerves as the glide of his finger became easier, quicker against her sensitive walls. Sounds began falling out of her, gasps and moans and needy words that she had never imagined being drawn from her.

It was beginning to consume her. Her head was spinning, her skin was on fire and her fingers were almost numb from how hard she was holding on to him. She was trying to stay grounded and present enough to enjoy every second but she could feel herself slipping away.

His lips were on hers,  his tongue snaked into her mouth. She could taste herself on him.

And then it hit her, starting from her extremities and working its way up until it all focused on her core. Fucking hell she had thought kissing him was enough, had thought that watching him come undone under her touch was amazing. Neither of them could have begun to prepare her for this.

Her sight began to blur and sounds became echos, the only thing she could focus on was her body turning to liquid. She heard him moan into her, felt him spill against her skin and somehow it seemed to draw the feeling out of her for even longer.

Her body was still tingling, soft convulsions running through her as her deep breaths slowly brought her back to consciousness. His head was buried in her neck, his own deep breaths landing against her collarbone before his lips replaced them. Her fingers tangled in his hair as his lips slowly made their way up her throat, both still trying to catch their breaths.

"Del?" It took all her effort to open her eyes, finding his full of concern. She was acutely aware of his finger still being inside her, his thumb still resting against her and the knowledge of that alone was enough to tangle her words before she could get them out.

She pulled him to her, kissing him deeply, holding him close against her, hoping that would be enough to convince him she was more than okay, that she was better than she could remember ever feeling. That he'd made her better than she ever knew was possible.

She easily allowed him to man handle her, not once letting her lips or tongue leave his, shuffling her so her head lay against him, a small moan leaving her subconsciously as he finally withdrew from her.

She could feel them, warm and wet and sticky as he continued to kiss her into oblivion, the feeling against her skin turning her on in a way she could have never anticipated. Within seconds he was groaning into her again as her body began slow movements against him, grinding on him gently to create the perfect friction.

She was a fucking idiot, but she was definitely a fast learner.

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