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* Austin's POV *

"Oh crap... It's 5, we'll need to leave in an hour." Delilah told him from where she lay underneath him on the couch as he played his video game.

He groaned and dropped his head into the crook of her neck as his arms wrapped around her tighter at the thought of leaving. Leaving his home, leaving his couch, leaving the warmth and safety of her arms.

"I'm sorry sweetheart." She giggled at his dramatic reaction, her fingers raking through his hair and scratching his scalp.

"Mmm that helps." He moaned his approval against her skin as he relaxed into her again.

She was tiny, barely anything to her, yet in her arms he felt safer than anywhere else. He had already seen and heard the way she defended him, had felt the love she offered him emit from every pore in the way she takes care of him. There was no where else, no one else that felt more like home.

"Oh yeah? Is this all I need to do to get your forgiveness?" She purred into his ear before laying soft kisses against his head. The fact that she could barely keep her lips off him was not at all lost on him.

"I mean it doesn't hurt." He smiled against her skin, making her laugh. Fuck he loved the sound of her giggle.

He rested further into her again, comfortable silence nestling over them like a warm blanket. This was bliss. This was what he wanted - all he fucking wanted in his life. There was no question.

"How are you feeling for tomorrow?" She asked tenderly, her nails still scratching over his scalp.

"Okay... not looking forward to the aftermath..." He paused his game and dropped the controller on the floor in front of him, realising he'd rather focus his attention on her than any fucking video game.

He felt her arms wrap around him, holding him tightly to her. "You're so close to being done baby."

He looked up at her with a big shit eating grin.

"What?" She asked as her smile began to mirror his.

"I fucking love it when you call me baby." He beamed, leaning up and kissing her softly. Christ she was addictive, everything about her.
He scooted back and down the sofa, taking one of her feet in his hands as he began to slowly massage her. "That part kinda scares me."

"It does?" She asked with concern on her face. He hadn't spoken about it with her before, he hadn't spoken about what the end of treatment would mean in general with anyone. 

A week ago he had been avoiding the thought as much as possible, scared of what it might mean for them, but after this past week he knew that wasn't a reason to be concerned anymore. "Mmhmm"

He felt her eyes on his as he softly ran his fingers over her feet, placing soft kisses on her knees. "Like you're scared of it coming back?"

"Partly..." His eyes were focused on her toes in front of him. "I'm scared of it coming back worse. Scared of the thought of having to go through chemo. I've had it so easy with the radiation and I've still made such a fucking mess of it."

"Austin that's not true." She tried to reassure him, his eyes giving her a pointed look. "You've done amazingly given the situation you've been in. And all your results have been good so far, there's nothing to make us think otherwise."

"Thanks darlin'." He told her, placing a kiss on the bottom of her left foot as he massaged it. He continued with the other foot, watching her relax more into it. Any excuse for him to have his hands explore her body he was more that happy to pounce at.

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