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She caught the word as it slipped from her lips, unsure why two letters suddenly caused the weight of an elephant sitting on her chest.


Something behind his eyes changed as soon as he had heard it, a sudden glisten was there and the way he was looking at her felt different.

Of course he would read too much into this.

She waited a couple of moments, trying to ascertain the resulting damage. He hadn't moved, still holding her firmly by the hips as he studied her. His mouth was slightly open as if he was going to say something but no words were forming.

"We should get back." She said softly, trying to side step around him but his hold on her was tight.

"Did you mean that?" He asked as he tugged her back in front of him.
"I mean... when the time comes..."

She could see he was struggling to get the words out. Once again the cocky, self assured Post Malone appearing as nothing more than a weird, fun house mirror version of Austin Post.

"I'm not going anywhere Austin. When the time comes to tell them I'll be here." His forehead dropped to land on hers as his arms wrapped around her waist, hers tossing themselves around his neck on their own accord.

"I don't understand why you're doing this for me, but thank you. I don't think I could do this without you." She felt a tear land on her cheek as he spoke and it took everything for her to blink away her own.


The rest of the day had gone by quickly, Jodie and Rich had stayed until the early afternoon and Delilah had fallen a little in love with each of them. They were the parents that she had grown up watching on TV, the parents who love and support you, want to hear everything about your life and offer advice, parents Delilah had never come across before.

After they had finished lunch they had all headed to Austin's studio where he had played them some of the songs he'd worked on while they were in Utah. Rich and Jodie had also asked Delilah about her music and when she would be releasing anything new, reacting with as much enthusiasm as they had done for Austin.

Jodie had told her all about their Easter plans, she had learned that family would be coming in from Texas this year and Rich and Jodie would be doing all the planning but Austin would be hosting. Rich had invited Delilah to join them, a gesture she had appreciated tremendously although was sure it was just that, a gesture.

After Rich and Jodie left they finished packing, Austin sorting everything in his studio while Delilah tidied the kitchen and dining area. Once everything was cleaned and put away she moved to the living area, sitting on the couch as she soaked in the views outside.

It really was beautiful here, the peace and quiet something she had forgotten existed against the business of LA. She relaxed into the couch a little more, letting out a heavy sigh at the thought of leaving.

She tried to ignore the fact that part of her disappointment was to do with leaving Austin. There had been a few moments between them that had verged on uncomfortable or worse, but for the most part they had fallen into their own version of domestic bliss. She knew the thought of going back home to an empty house was going to hit hard, but knowing it was an Austin-free house was hitting her harder than she was willing to admit.

"So I was thinking we could just grab something on the way to the airport to eat on the plane?" His voice startled her as he approached the living room, sinking into the couch next to her and reaching out to pet Spencer.

"Sure, sounds great." She had hoped he wouldn't pick up on her tone, her words coming out more uninterested than she had intended.

"Hey, you okay?" Of course she wouldn't be that lucky...

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