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*Austin's POV*

"Dude where the fuck have you been?"

Austin had been ignoring Brad's calls since last night. When he heard his doorbell after she had left he didn't even bother trying to hide the excitement he felt thinking it would be her waiting there for him, realising she'd left something behind.

Unfortunately, he had been so caught up in his excitement that he hadn't bothered checking before swinging the door open, the phone call he'd been avoiding now standing in front of him.

"I've been fucking calling you since last night, what the fuck happened? Gia said by the time she'd made it out the front you and Lila were gone." Brad pushed his way past Austin in to his house and started making his way towards the kitchen.

"Nothing happened, I was sick, I came home."
Austin slowly closed the door before following Brad into the kitchen, still hoping that her warm smile might appear around the corner at any moment.

By the time he made it into the kitchen Brad had already helped himself to a Bud and was sitting at the kitchen island.

"Between you and Lila dickhead, what happened when you caught up with her?"

"Nothing happened, I apologised, she left, I left." Austin took a seat at the kitchen island as well, knowing that this conversation wasn't going to be over any time soon.

"Really? Then why the fuck is her bag on your bench?"


"Fine, I made it out the front in time to stop her, I apologised for what I said, I got sick and accidentally threw up in her purse. She took pity on me and drove me home. That's what fucking happened."
It was mostly the truth after all, a kind of quick summary of the night's events without going in to too much detail.

"Jesus fucking Christ man" Brad's chuckle couldn't have been less genuine.

"It was an accident, I'd been fucking sick all day".
He knew there was no point in trying to explain away what had happened, he'd known Brad long enough to know he was in for a lecture, and rightfully so he figured.

"No, you weren't sick, you were fucking hung over, there's a difference. Jesus Gia was so worried about this whole fucking situation as it was, she's a nervous wreck after the shit you pulled last night."

Austin let out a sigh as his hand rubbed anxiously at the back of his neck. There was nothing he could think of in this moment that pissed him off as much as being lectured by someone three months younger than him. At least by the time Brad and Gia had kids, he would have given them plenty of practice in the disappointed parent speeches.

"I know you don't like her, you don't fucking have to, all we're asking is for you to act like a fucking adult, keep your mouth shut and play nice for the wedding. Is that too fucking much for you to handle?"

"I'm sorry, I fucked up, I apologised and we're fine. I promise, no more puking in purses okay?" He didn't mean to come off as sarcastic as it did, he knew how much Delilah meant to Gia and Brad and he knew how much his words last night had hurt her.

"I'm serious Austin, there is no one else that I want as my best man but if you pull something like that again, I'll find someone." Brad's serious tone and the sad, disappointment in his eyes finally enough to really drive the feeling of guilt into him.

"Brad I'm sorry, I am. I promise, Del and I talked and we worked it out, we're good." He hoped his tone was as genuine as he meant for it to be. He was well aware of what a dickhead he'd been last night and he really didn't want to spend any more time talking about it.

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