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* Austin's POV *

He was in heaven.

The past few weeks had been a dream, he had died when he was in hospital and somehow managed to sneak in to heaven. That was the only explanation he could come up with to explain how he had wound up here.

He had been so fucking worried about her having regrets, his mind had not even ventured to the possibility of her enjoying it, enjoying him.

Within seconds of him pulling his finger from her, she was desperate for him again. He could feel it in her body, her muscles tense with need and tight with anticipation. It hadn't taken long before she had begun moving her hips against him, desperate for him in a way he had never allowed himself to hope for.

Stamina had never been a complaint he'd encountered however recovery did take a while if he had been fully satisfied. God knows if it was her movements or the knowledge of how fucking badly she wanted him or just her, but somehow he was instantly resurrected, his dick transforming from an empty water balloon to painfully hard within seconds.

She carefully pulled away from him, her movements trying to feign a confidence her expression was not selling. "Okay baby?" He asked her, brushing her damp hair out of her face. She nodded quickly in response while holding his eyes, her fingers still trailing fire over his skin.

"You want more darlin?" His voice dropped to a whisper and he wasn't sure if he was more nervous her answer would be yes or no.

Again she nodded quickly as she nervously slid her leg over his thighs, hovering her heat just above him. She looked so fucking shy, so unsure of each move she was making. "Show me Del."

His skin burned as her eyes trailed over him and he wondered how it was possible to feel so fucking self conscious and yet so fucking desired all at once. He watched the blood rush to her cheeks the lower her eyes dropped, by the time they landed on him her apprehension had completely enveloped her again.

Fucking hell she would be the death of him.

Delilah stared at him, her eyes firmly holding their position on his hard shaft as a minuscule worry line formed between her eyebrows.
"Del..." His hands landed gently on her hips as he tried to reassure her.

"Every time I see you... or hold you..." she breathed out, her eyes flicking up to his "... I forget how big you are."

Nope, now he was in heaven.

"Baby my confidence is pretty fucking high with you still dripping down my fingers..." he smirked as he watched her blush, her heat still radiating torturously close to him. "Keep talking like that and my head won't fit through that fucking door."

Delilah let out a shy giggle, her fingers lightly tickling down his chest as she arched her back. She had no intention of taking him, he knew that, but as she lowered herself against him, the feeling of her dripping lips delicately warming his length was undoubtedly the next best thing.

His breath caught in his throat, his eyes glued to her as she purposefully worked her way up his shaft. Her hands on him had been fucking bliss but watching her possess him like this, feeling her wetness glide over him, fuck he was a goner.

"Jesus Christ you look so fucking good on me." He couldn't tear his eyes from her body, drinking in every tiny bead of sweat that glistened on her skin. The flexing of the muscles in her thighs and the roll of her hips were hypnotic. He was completely under her trance, he was putty beneath her.

Delilah's eyes burnt as they focused in on his, her tongue delicately licking her lips, her fingers pressed more firmly on his abdomen as her movements became more confident, more focused. He could feel the determination behind each roll of her hips.

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