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"I liked that shirt..." She sulked as she returned to his room from putting on the load of dirty laundry.

"It's my shirt!" Austin tossed his hand out confused by her statement. He was still leaning back against his bed, wrapped in his towel.

"Still..." She shrugged as she made her way to him, stopping beside him on his bed as her fingers toyed with the material of his towel.

"You could have taken it off." He said, tongue in cheek as he raised his eyes brows at her for full effect.

She didn't even bother trying to hide the blush from her cheeks or the shy smile from her face as she easily allowed him to pull her back on the bed beside him. "I like my skin too..."

His brows knitted together, even more confused than before. "My semen isn't fucking acid!"

"No, but it is radioactive."

She watched his face fall, as if hit with a sudden realisation. "You mean all my baby Spider Men are drowning in that machine right now?"

"Sorry sweetheart... " She feigned guilt as her finger dragged leisurely over his lips. "If it helps, it'll be a very quick death."

"Seems fair..." His tone was soft and sad as he nuzzled into her. "They came into this world very quickly, they may as well leave the same way."

She hadn't meant to let the deep laugh escape at his expense. He pulled away quickly, the glare he gave her in return telling her he hadn't actually wanted that strong a response to his self deprecating joke.

She reached her arm out to him, gently pulling him over her and wrapping her arms around his neck once he'd settled.

"I like your skin too." His words had an extra layer of sincerity to them as he spoke.

"You do?"

"Mmhmm, so fucking much." He said against her lips before kissing her softly and gently and in the way she had very much become addicted to.

"Thank you my sweetheart." She smiled against his lips, in between deep, slow kisses. "I like all of you too, even your radioactive semen."


"Does she know I'm here?" Austin asked from her bed, cradling his sick bowl. The full effects of his treatment had taken hold of him in the early hours of the morning and hadn't eased since.

"She didn't ask and I didn't bring you up." They had driven back to her house this morning, he rested in her bed whilst she packed a new bag of fresh supplies for Utah. "Here honey, take this."

Austin put his hand out and she dropped the small wafer into his palm before passing him a water bottle. "Ugh these taste like fucking shit."

"I know sweetheart, but they work. Hopefully if your tummy settles down you can get a few more hours sleep before we leave." She waited beside him as he allowed the wafer to dissolve under his tongue before having some of the water. He rested his head over the bowl for a moment as she raked her fingers through his hair.

"Okay, we're good." He assured her as he leaned back against the bed, sick bowl still at the ready just in case. "When's she getting here?"

Delilah pulled her phone from her back pocket to check the time, hoping that she still had a while to enjoy being in their safe little bubble before Gia came to disturb it again. She couldn't help the disappointment when she saw the time, and she'd never been more thankful for Gia's tardiness. "Any time now."

"Lay with me til she's here?"

"Of course." She smiled as she climbed onto her bed, his arms grabbing for her the second she moved.

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