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God she loved kissing him. Maybe she could pull out of her movie, stay home and just lay in bed, perched on top of his strong, warm body all day instead. She was certain he'd be open to the idea.

His lips were so soft, so full and encouraging against hers. Within seconds of them touching, they felt like they had been designed for hers as they played a gentle game of tug of war for dominance. He always let her win.

Kissing had always seemed like such a weird concept to her. She didn't understand what all the fuss was about. Until now, having someone else's tongue shoved down your throat was the only experience she'd had and she definitely didn't feel like she was missing out. 

How wrong she'd been.

The feel of his tongue against hers was bliss. The way it moved against hers in gentle massages stole the breath right out of her lungs. He let her own him, let her take complete control and followed any move she made. She had never expected that kissing could have such an effect on her, her legs going weak, her core tingling, desperate for him. The thought of having a piece of him inside her was almost too much for her.

"Oh fuck! Up!" He all but shoved her off him from where she was laying and rushed to the bathroom.

By the time she made it through the door he was crouched at the toilet, head in the bowl. She sat down beside him and slowly rubbed circles on his back, laying kisses against the gentle skin there until he finished.

"Please don't take that as a representation on your kissing skills." He cupped her cheek as he spoke, looking genuinely concerned he had offended her.

She gave him a sympathetic giggle as she stood up, placing a kiss on his forehead as she passed him, getting a face cloth and wetting it under the sink along with a cup of water. She passed him the cup and he rinsed his mouth out before she closed the lid and sat on the toilet in front of him. He rested his chin softly on her lap as she began dabbing the cloth over his face gently to cool him down.

He looked like he was about to fall asleep again on the cold tiles, his eyelids heavy and his chin relaxing further into her.

"Austin, what you said before... how could you possibly know that?" She asked quietly, he purred as she began raking her fingers through his hair.

"That I love you? I told you Del, I've know for a while now..."  He was so open and so honest with her, his feelings so easily expressed it bewildered her.

She couldn't stop the Cheshire Cat grin that lit up her face at his words. She believed him, she knew it and she felt it, but it was another thing to hear the words in his voice. "Not that part..."

His face became quizzical for a moment, his tired mind obviously trying to piece together the puzzle before a broad smile grew on his face. "Ohh... the other part?"

"Yes, the other part."

He shrugged as he placed his head back down on her lap, like him deciphering her feelings was no big deal. "A number of little things I guess. The way you look after me and take care of me, the way you defend me... And some... others." He added quietly to the end.


"Yeah others... Others that are too cheesy to say out loud." He spoke softly to her legs, a warm rose colouring his cheeks.

Austin was magnificent. He was big and broad and manly in the best ways possible. But a shy, flustered Austin was something completely beyond belief. "Well now you have to tell me!"

He pulled his head up off her lap and shuffled backwards, leaning against the wall as he weighed her up for a moment. "Nope, I've already embarrassed myself enough remember?"

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