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Her house felt loud and full. Rich and Jodie had gotten in around 9 and the house felt like it went from two people to two hundred. The plan was to have a quiet night but it quickly became clear that when Rich and Austin were in the same room, quiet didn't exist.

She had given Rich and Jodie one of the large rooms upstairs, herself and Austin staying downstairs to give them some space. After having a 'quick' catch up, they all started packing up around 12:30.

She was coming out of the bathroom, having just gotten changed into her pyjamas and washing her face, when she saw him standing in her doorway.

"How you holding up darlin'?" He asked, leaning against the door frame, watching her make her way to her bed. "I know we can be a bit loud... you coping okay?"

"I'm good, I don't think my house has ever been this loud before, but it's a good loud. I feel like I'm in an episode of Full House." She made herself comfortable against the pillows, giving him a small nod, a silent invitation from him to join her.

He scrunched his face up as he climbed on the bed. "I don't know if that's an insult or a compliment..."

"It's a compliment." She beamed, rolling onto her side to face him as he perched on his elbows over her. "They're like the dream parents Austin."

"When I was little all I wanted was to be like my dad." She watched him as he spoke, laying over her, playing with the collar of her T shirt. "I used to wear little suits and shit to school."

"Oh yeah? How did that go into the playground?" She giggled, visions of a mini Post Malone in tiny Nudie suits and Stetsons running through her head.

"Worse than you're imagining I'm sure." He sighed, his hand coming up to rub his eyes in embarrassment. "I've got a lot to live up to in the dad department."

"You'll be an amazing father Austin."

"Oh yeah? You think so?"

"You are kind... patient... forgiving. The way you prioritise and protect your loved ones amazes me. You are a good person, the best person, so yes, when the time comes I really think you will be an amazing father."

"I wasn't a very good boyfriend, I hope I'll be a better husband one day." His eyes were low on her pyjama top, shame lacing his words.

"Austin we're young, everyone makes mistakes. I can't believe that the person you are now is who you were then."

"I don't have anything on you. The love you have shown me and the way you have taken care of me without me even having to ask. You'll make the fucking best wife and mother." He must have seen the change in her demeanour, the way her eyes fell to her hands. "Do you not want to get married? Have kids?"

"I've honestly never imagined it being an option." She said quietly. "Even before everything with Rob... I've been on my own for so long, I can't imagine having a family or not being alone."

"I promise you Del, you're not alone anymore."


She woke to clattering and voices in her kitchen. She knew better than to assume it was Austin beating her up. She quickly got dressed, washed her face and brushed her teeth, making herself at least somewhat presentable before venturing from her room.

She paused as she crossed the threshold, noticing his door across the hall was still closed. She wasn't sure what the etiquette was here, she didn't want to wake him, he was still recovering and needed his sleep. The thought of joining his parents without him though had her stomach filling with butterflies.

She slowly made her way towards the kitchen, finding Jodie behind the stove cooking bacon and eggs while Rich worked the coffee machine.

"Good morning love, I hope we didn't wake you?" Jodie asked as she cracked an egg into the pan. "I hope you don't mind us helping ourselves to your kitchen?"

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