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*Austin's POV*

"Austin." He was sure he was dreaming her soft voice as his eye lids fluttered open. When he saw her he was even more sure he was. She was standing over him in tiny denim shorts, a low cut black bathing suit and a loose black shirt, the middle button done up, sleeves rolled up to her elbows.

"Del?" He remembered that she had plans today, remembered her offering for him to stay over, the rest kind of felt a blur.

"I'm sorry, here and your tooth brush is in the bathroom, that's all you need to do and then we can go."

He stared with confusion at the shorts, shirt and sneakers she handed him.  "Did you go through my stuff?

"Shit, I'm sorry, that was rude, I was just trying to let you sleep in as long as possible." The guilty look on her face instantly making him feel bad.

"Thanks." He grabbed the clothes from her, sneaking a tiny kiss on her cheek, still barely awake as he got up and made his way to the bathroom. "Oh Del?" He called to her as she popped her head through the door way.


"Good morning."

Her face beamed back at him, relief evident as her eyes softened. "Good morning Austin."

After he quickly got changed and brushed his teeth he stopped by the spare room and grabbed his cigarettes, phone, wallet and sunnies, not really having any idea what he would need, before making his way downstairs.

"Do I need anything else?" He asked as he reached the bottom step.

She had a coffee in each hand, reaching one out to him which he happily accepted once he was close enough. "Nope, I packed everything we would need."

"Christ, how long have you been up?" He asked, taking a gulp of the hot liquid, hoping the caffeine would kick in quickly.

"You don't wanna know..." she laughed back, grabbing her keys and bag and opening the door for him.

"Want me to drive?" He asked as they made their way to the car, reaching out to open the driver's door for her once they were there.

"You don't know where we're going doofus."

He sat back in the passenger seat, alternating between sipping his coffee and taking a drag from his cigarette, using the drive to try and wake up properly. As much as he wanted to try and pay attention to where they were headed, his brain was still much too fuzzy from the early wake up and the thought of spending the day with her.

They had been driving for around 20 minutes, listening to music and asking easy, domestic kind of questions like 'how was your sleep', he appreciated the way she was letting him ease into this early morning bull shit.

"Okay, we're here." Austin looked up from his phone at the sound of her voice to see her face beaming. The look on her face was enough for him, he didn't need to look around to see where they were, it didn't matter. She could have taken him to hell and he would happily have followed.

She started making her way out of the car before he was snapped out of his trance, quickly unclipping his seatbelt and following her out of the car.

"Hi Chris, this is Austin." She greeted one of the men that was heading towards them. Chris reached out a hand for Austin as the other younger man headed to the trunk with Delilah and grabbed out a basket and a couple of bags.

"Hey man, nice to meet ya, you ready for today? Chris asked as he and Austin followed Delilah through a tall wire gate.

As he was about to answer he was met with the crystal blue ocean, a large boat was secured to a private jetty. His mouth dropped open as he took in the sight in front of them.

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