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*Austin's POV*

"Are you sure this is all you'll need?" Delilah asked, standing back from his bed, studying the few belongings he had laid out to pack.

"It's only a couple of days darlin." He chuckled as he started packing the first pair of joggers in the bottom of his suitcase. "Cathy will have everything I need, all I pack is sweatpants and boxers."

"Socks?" She asked, moving closer and refolding his sweat pants.

Shit. Socks.

He turned around and rushed back to his wardrobe, five pairs of socks balanced in his hands as he returned.

"Toothbrush?" She asked, taking the socks from his hands and beginning to pack them in his suitcase as he made his way toward his bathroom.

"Okay, toothbrush and toothpaste." He bragged as he made his way back to her, holding them both up for her approval.

"Ooh good job!"

"Um... anything else?" He asked with hesitation. She smiled at him gently before disappearing into his wardrobe.

"I would have thought you'd done this enough by now to know the basics..." she called to him from his wardrobe.

"Look I don't usually do this myself okay."

"Shoes." She handed him a pair of Cons, some slides and a pair of Crocs before disappearing into his wardrobe again. When she returned she had a pair of old faded jeans, a pair of his nicer jeans, two T shirts, a shirt and a baseball cap. She dropped them on the bed before she disappeared again into the bathroom, returning with deodorant, cologne and a hair brush.
"Okay, these are the basics. At least you won't be stuck walking the streets shirtless in sweatpants if something goes wrong."

"Thank you baby." He kissed her cheek, taking a seat on the bed as she finished loading his suitcase. 

"So I know it's still a while off but were you planning on going back to Utah after your next treatment?" She asked, carefully folding his T-shirts and sliding them into his suitcase.

"I was hoping to, why do you ask."

"I have some studio time booked over the next few weeks. I asked Jen to cancel the booking for the week after your treatment but I wasn't sure if you would want to stay longer?"

His mouth fell open slightly at her question. She had told him several times now that she wasn't going anywhere, that she'd be there for him, but those were just words. Her cancelling recording sessions in preparation for travelling back to Utah with him was a completely different story.

"You would come with me again?" Red rushed to her cheeks at his question. He instantly felt bad, he hadn't meant to embarrass her, his question was spoken more out of disbelief than anything else.

"I mean... if you want me..."

Fuck he was in love with this woman.


He had been dreading this moment, dreading this trip, dreading going back to work but most of all, really fucking dreading leaving her.

This past week they had spent together had been one of the hardest he'd ever had to deal with, she'd been the rock that got him through it. She had become his safety blanket, the face he looked for, the hand his held, the reassuring voice in his ear when things had been too hard or too much.

She'd also been his sanity, she had been the centre point for the good times he'd had this week as well. He didn't believe that leaving for a few days would throw their dynamic completely but he also never could have imagined that someone like her would give any time to someone like him.

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