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*November's been a looong month, have another update!*

Saturday morning she woke a little sadder than the previous mornings. It had only been a few days but she had found herself falling so quickly into this routine of playing happy families. Just knowing that he was in the house with her set off the butterflies in her stomach. She tried to prevent herself from wondering if he was feeling the same, if he was wondering about her upstairs and waiting as pathetically for her to appear.

She quickly got out of bed and had a shower before getting dressed in loose jeans and a tight, white long sleeve top. She finished getting ready and making her bed before opening the door, finding him standing on the other side, fist clenched ready to knock.

He looked better this morning, his natural colour was back and his eyes were clearer, brighter, happier.

"Morning Del." She couldn't hide the smile that appeared seeing how big his was this morning.

"Good morning Austin." She watched him bend down and give Spencer a quick pat. "You look good today."

"What? These old things?" He teased looking down at his light wash jeans and obviously well loved white tee.

"Shut up, you know what I mean." She gave him a gentle shove with her shoulder as her blood rushed to her cheeks.

"I feel good today. I was thinking maybe we could go grab some coffees and I can take you for a drive? Show you a little bit more of Salt Lake?"

They hadn't left the house since they arrived, she hadn't really expected them to and had been comfortable hidden away in their little bubble. She could see the excitement on his face as he talked, the fact that he wanted to share his home town with her seemed just a little bit too adorable to decline.

"I'd love that." She smiled up at him, her eyes lingering on his for a few seconds, noticing something different behind them. Something she couldn't quite place.


After they left the house they had stopped in to grab some coffees and a bacon and egg wrap for him at one of the local cafes. He had then driven her through town, showing her his favourite local restaurants and shops. The whole place had given such a small town vibe, several people stopping and waving to Austin as they passed casually, not one person chasing after them for a photo or autograph.

They had been driving for a while before he stopped in what appeared to be the middle of no where. There were no other cars around, the hiking trails bare as they made their way out of his truck.

"Is this where I die?" She hoped she was joking, feeling like her face was showing more concern than anything else.

"No darlin, this is where I die." He laughed, pointing towards one of the smaller mountain trails in front of them.

A hike hadn't exactly been what she had expected but he had told her he wanted to give her the full Utah experience.

"Are you sure you're okay for this?" She called down to him as she stopped on the track, waiting for him to catch up.

"Me being slow has nothing to do with me being sick." He puffed out as he made his way towards her, her face falling as he spoke.

"Don't say that." She said softly as she placed her hands on either of his shoulders.

"Say what darlin?" His brows knitted together in concern as he saw the sudden change in her demeanour.

"That you're sick." She held his gaze as her hands slid up from his shoulders to either side of his neck. "You're not... you were but now..." She was struggling to get her words out, her mind was already busy trying to wade through the confusion of her feelings for him that trying to put a sentence together was too much.

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