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For the first time since she began spending the night with him, sleep eluded her.

They had both fallen asleep quickly initially, wrapped up in each other's limbs, but it hadn't lasted long. She tried to drift back to sleep but after a while of failing dismally, she pulled herself carefully from his grasp and began making her way to the kitchen.

She had never made it, getting sidetracked as she wandered past his music room, seeing the instruments. His guitar strewn on the couch and his notebook on the coffee table.

She wondered how he was sleeping so peacefully with the day ahead looming. Either way, she was terrified of hearing the results for him. If the treatment wasn't working they would have to look at alternatives, most likely chemo. But if it was working, he would be needing to perform, going on a small tour, pretending like none of this was happening.

He had told her it wasn't a tour, just a few shows he'd tried to reassure. She wasn't convinced it was actually her he was trying to reassure, whether he was willing to admit it or not she could see the hesitation in his eyes. She hadn't been alone in that room when Dr Harley had explained the potential dangers of him continuing to work.

She didn't know how long she'd been lost in there, sitting at his piano, playing to herself when she felt the reassurance of his presence. His feet softly padding on the floor as he made his way closer, before he carefully slid in behind her, his legs coming on either side of her as his hands landed on her hips.

"Sorry, I..." she began before he nuzzled into her, feeling his head shake against her neck.

"I wasn't trying to snoop or.." she felt the need to continue as her eyes landed on the open notebook nearby.

"Play" he encouraged as the tip of his nose continued tickling her neck.

He sat pressed against her as her fingers began working the keys again, his hands gently squeezing her hips in encouragement as she went.

"I talked to Dre. I told him I wasn't going to do the shows. He got me out of all of them but three."

His words halted her playing, more so from the confusion at how he knew what was lingering on her mind. If the apprehension hadn't been clear before, it was written all over his face now. Her heart broke for him a little, she could understand why he was so hesitant to say no to any of the shows, to slow down in anyway.

He had a great momentum going at the moment, his name was becoming more and more prolific everywhere through the music scene, plus he had a number of staff. Extended time off, extended periods of no shows or appearances would not only mean limited income for him but for them as well. It was clear to her how much the pressure of this was weighing on him.

"I know you don't think it's a good idea, but I need your support. I need to know that if something does go wrong..."

"Of course Austin." She didn't need to hear anything else to know her answer. "No matter what happens, I'll be here."

"Play." He gently demanded again, his arms coming to wrap around her waist as his nose recommenced it's slow trails up the delicate skin of her neck.

She lay her fingers back on the keys, gently continuing the tune she was playing.

"Sing" his voice was soft in her ear as he gently pushed her forward on the stool, repositioning himself more fully behind her, the wrap of his arms around her waist becoming tighter.

"Give me a run for my money
There is nobody, no one to out run me"

She started as his open mouth began following the same trail his nose had been creating over her skin.

"So give me a run for my money"

His lips coming to a close on her skin as he laid his first, chaste kiss below her ear on her jawline.

"Sippin bubbly"

He kissed again, and again slightly lower, his tongue delicately brushing over her skin.  His hands crept nervously over her stomach, making their way under the fabric of his T-shirt until they landed on her bare skin. The contact came at the same time as his tongue ran over her throat, instantly sending a jolt of electricity between her legs.

"Livin lovely"
She heard her voice, how labourer her breathing had become and if she could think of anything other than how fucking incredible his touch felt, she would have been ashamed of her reactions to him.

But then she heard the jagged breath he exhaled, the small moan that left his lips, felt the twitching and dampness against her spine. She instantly lost the ability to think of or feel anything other than him.

"Just love me"
She breathed out, turning to face him slightly as his mouth kissed its way closer to hers. Her mind was racing at the thought of him continuing any further, her body betraying her, relaxing into every movement he made, becoming more pliant with every position he nuzzled her into.

His lips continued their route, torturously slowly, as his tongue dipped in and out of his mouth, tasting her skin with featherlight touches.

She pulled away suddenly, her body acting on it's own accord as she quickly got up and turned around, straddling his lap. Her core ached as she sat back down, feeling the full extent of his arousal, clenching in desperate search of his contact.

His hands returned to her skin, creeping up the back of his T-shirt as his fingers splayed out across her lower back, hers coming to land on either side of his neck, his curls tickling her finger tips. She noted the confliction in his eyes, part of him obviously as desperate for her as she was for him right now. She needed to encourage it, encourage this side of him quickly. She carefully pulled his head back to her collarbone where his mouth recommenced it's assault.

She could feel the dampness pooling between her legs, his desperate moan indicating that he had as well as his hands travelled up her back, pulling her in closer, tighter against him.

"Austin" she wanted to be ashamed of how needy she sounded, how desperate and breathy her moan was, but as his mouth continued working across her, making it's way to her right collarbone, any shame she felt was gone quicker than it had arrived.

Her skin was on fire from his touch in a way she had never experienced. Her legs came up to wrap around his waist, pulling her heat onto him further, both letting out strained moans at the damp contact.

Her mind was screaming at her to stop. She doesn't do this, she's never wanted this it reminded her, but his effects on her body were far too loud for her to listen. Her left hand slowly crept it's way into his hair, his curls wrapping around her fingers as she tightly held him in place as her right hand wandered his skin, landing comfortably on his firm shoulder.

Finally his lips began making their way back up her neck, slowly kissing and gently sucking on her flesh as his proximity got closer. She wanted to taste him, this unfair advantage he had over her driving her crazy. She needed to taste him, to feel his skin against her lips, against her tongue.

He peeled his mouth from her skin, the grimace on his face showing the act was pure agony. His eyes landed on hers as she studied the dark, lust filled blue they had become. She slid her hands down, gently cupping either side of his face, mentally preparing herself for what she was planning on commencing, when his eyes suddenly changed, going back to the deep ocean blue they usually were. He leant in close to her, pressing a soft, chaste kiss to the end of her nose before pulling back again.

"Come on baby, time for bed." He whispered to her, clearly indicating he wasn't about to let her proceed with anything she had in mind. There wasn't a hint of rejection in his eyes, the feel of him beneath her proving he wanted her just as badly as she did him.

Fuck, this was agony.

Happy New Year everyone! Thank you for the reads and here's wishing you all an amazing 2023 x

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