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* Austin's POV *

He knew this would happen. Before he had even left, holding her in bed, he knew that nothing good was going to come of him leaving her there. It had been two days since he'd left her, two days since she had dropped them at the airport, two days since he'd heard from her.

"Have you heard from Delilah Aus? Do you know when she's getting in?" Jodie asked as she fussed in his kitchen, making sure everyone was fed and watered.

His family had started arriving yesterday, his house was now bustling with uncles and aunts,  cousins, nieces and nephews. Jodie was in her element, loving every moment of it.

"I'm not sure yet, still waiting to hear from her." Austin told her, his eyes focused on his phone as he scrolled through the unanswered messages he'd sent.

He'd folded last night, calling Taylor to find out if he'd heard from her at all. This dynamic was exhausting, he wasn't sure where he fell between concerned friend, clingy boyfriend, stalker and worried baby sitter. Today he wasn't convinced she actually wanted him around at all.

Taylor had assured him he would check on her today, that he'd let Austin know she was okay as soon as he'd seen her. Taylor's message this afternoon was basic, telling him that she wasn't great but she was okay, nothing more than that.

He had seen a couple of her episodes now to know how suddenly and how intensely they could hit her. He wanted to believe that she had meant to keep her promise, that her sending him home wasn't just an attempt to get rid of him. But with every moment his messages remained unread it seemed less and less likely to him.

"I'm sure she'll be here soon, don't stress." Jodie smiled.

"Yeah... I'm gonna give her a call." He made his way through the house, around the multitudes of family members and towards the stairs.

"Austin where do you want me to put your grandparents? They're the only ones that still need a room." Rich caught him as he was on his way upstairs.

"Wherever dad, there should be plenty of space." Austin told him, not even bothering to slow down as he passed.

"Okay, I'll give them the nice room next to yours."

"That's Del's room." He stopped where he was and turned to face Rich from the stairs. "Is there no other rooms?"

"None for your grandparents, I ain't puttin them in the bunker. Is Delilah definitely coming?" Rich asked, climbing the stairs up towards him.

"Move someone out of one of the other rooms and put them in the bunker." He snapped back a little more defensively than needed.

"Everyone's settled Austin, no point movin them around now. Is Delilah coming or not?" Rich asked again.

"It doesn't matter if she's here or not, it's her room. Put them in my room, I'll take the bunker." He spat out as he continued up stairs to his room, collecting together the items he'd need over the next few days.


It was early evening, everyone had settled into their rooms and Jodie and some of his Aunts were just putting the finishing touches on dessert. He hadn't realised how much he'd missed being around the family like this, all his cousins and their kids were having a blast riding his ATVs, playing his instruments, exploring his property.

He had finally been able to move on slightly, was starting to focus more on the family he had here knowing that she at least was safe. Jodie had put so much effort into this family reunion he didn't want to ruin it.

He was busy making coffees in the kitchen when he heard his dad call out for him. He grabbed the two coffees he's made for his grandparents, handing them out on the way through. He noticed a number of his cousins and nephews standing, around the entry, staring towards Rich.

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