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* Austin's POV *

"I love the way you taste."

Fuck he loved it when her words floated from her before she had the chance to second guess them. Times like this with her laying under him, where she was as drunk off him as he was off her and loose enough to not be stuck in her head.

"Cigarettes and beer? You're the first person who has ever told me that." He smirked against her goosebumped skin.

"No, not cigarettes and beer, it's something that's just yours." Her words were delivered with a softness and a hunger that had him believing every one of them "You have your own smell and your own taste and I fucking love them both."

"What else do you love?" He pulled his lips from her, raising up to watch her.

"The way you look when you hover over me like that." The pink of her cheeks deepened under his gaze. She was coming out of her shell, slowly but surely, but her body was still quick to remind him he had a way to go. Not that he minded, the thought that he made her shy turned him the fuck on.

"Mmm" He hummed as he leant down and traced his nose along her jaw. "Keep going..."

"The noises you make... your soft hum when you like what I'm saying or doing. The way you kiss me into oblivion."

He knew how she felt, he had known for a while. There was a shift in the way she looked at him, he could almost pin point the moment it changed at the hospital. He didn't want to let it upset him that she hadn't said the words, that even with his gentle coaxing he hadn't teased them from her, but he couldn't help the way he felt.

He tried to hide the disappointment, tried to give her a smile at her words. He should have known she would see straight through it.

"Hey... you know you can talk to me too?" Her hands gently cupped his cheeks as she held him steady in front of her, not allowing him to avoid her gaze. "I feel like we've shifted from the beginning, maybe we're not being as transparent now that we care what the other thinks. I know a lot of that is my fault and I'm sorry, I'm really trying.

"It's not your fault baby, we've both shifted. And I know Del, I can see how fucking hard you're working for us."

"Please don't be scared that you're going to say the wrong thing or run me off. I swear Austin I'm here, I'm not going anywhere and nothing is going to change that."

He let out a sigh, rolling onto his back beside her. "It's not intentional, and it's not about you. I have a pretty solid track record when it comes to fucking things up."

She quickly rolled onto him, her chin perched on the back of her hand, splayed out on his chest.
"I can't speak for the past but you don't with me. Just when I think you couldn't be more perfect you find a way to prove me wrong."

"Far from perfect baby girl." He scoffed, it was a generous comment but couldn't have been further from the fucking truth.

"Perfect for me." Her voice was determined, as was the eye contact she held with him whilst speaking. Almost determined enough to be believed.

He leaned down and kissed her hard, everything he had behind his actions. He hope the smile he gave her when he pulled away would be enough to ease her, to distract her from the line of questioning.

"Sweetheart, please, what is it?" Concern was still written on her face.

"Nothing baby." He leaned down and kissed her again, trying not to read anything into it when she didn't return it. "We should try and get some sleep before tomorrow." He swallowed thickly as he waited for her to roll off him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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