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*Austin's POV*

He wasn't sure how long he'd locked himself away for, in his room trying to clear some air between them. She hadn't seemed upset or mad at him when she had left him in the hallway, but he was still worried he had crossed a line with her, that his actions might force her back into her shell a little.

He had hoped a cold shower would clear his head, get these stupid fucking thoughts out of it, but being in the water again had only thrown him back into the spring with her. When he closed his eyes he could see the soft, supple curves of her body in front of him, could almost feel her smooth, velvet skin under his finger tips.
He wanted to murder whoever was driving that fucking car, whoever had disturbed them and ripped them from their private oasis back to reality.

She had told him several times she wasn't interested in anything romantic or physical, that she couldn't give him what he wanted, but every part of her body was telling him otherwise.  The look in her eyes as she watched him sitting in the water, the way she held her ground against him rather than cowering away, the goosebumps he felt raise under his fingers as he traced them over her skin.

He tried to think of something else, any fucking thing else, but all he could see was her. He needed to know how far she would have let him go if the car hadn't come past. The look in her eyes when he had her pressed against the rocks told him she was fine with it, it wasn't a look of fear or discomfort, all he saw was curiosity and excitement.

The second his mind had travelled back he was a goner, he couldn't remember ever being instantly aroused by anything so innocent. Fuck, he tried to stop, he didn't wanna be that guy, especially with her in the next room, but he couldn't stop himself from imagining how her lips would have felt if he'd had the chance to feel them, a chance to taste her. His hand made its way down his body on it's own, grabbing hold and slowly starting to palm himself as he allowed himself to drown in the thought of her.

Shit he was in trouble here.

As soon as he stepped foot out of the shower he became incredibly aware he had been in his room for too long. He needed to find her, to make sure that everything was still okay between them. He didn't want her thinking he was avoiding her, hiding out in his room because of what happened, or even worse, accurately assuming why he'd been so long in the shower.

He quickly got dried and grabbed the first clothes he could find and tossed them on before grabbing his phone and making his way from his room. Her bedroom door was open which he took as a good sign, at least she wasn't actively trying to avoid him.

He started making his way downstairs, assuming she would be back in the kitchen figuring out some lunch for them. He glanced at his phone as he made his way, noticing missed calls from Brad and a couple of messages. He checked the last one which simply read "party tomorrow night?" He couldn't stop his eyes from rolling, the thought of returning to LA something he definitely wasn't excited about. If he didn't have his tests booked for Monday he'd try and convince Delilah to stay longer, the peace and quiet a welcome escape for them both.

As he reached the bottom couple of steps he could hear voices coming from the kitchen, one was definitely hers, the other sounded like...


He was about to rush over to them, try and interrupt whatever conversation was happening and pray to god that nothing had been said that would give away his deception. He tried to move as quickly and silently as possible, listening desperately to try and figure out anything more than random words said between them.

"Well you know me now, don't worry, I got him."

He saw red.

"Aus!" Rich spotted him as he came flying around the corner and into sight, quickly jumping from his seat to rush over and envelop him in a bear hug.

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