Can I Come In?

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. 

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Hangman's Point of View ---

"Why are you so worried about her?" Sparrow asked, I knocked again on her front door, there was no answer, I had gone to Roosters place just an hour before.

Fan Boy and the others were right, they were both missing at the same time.

"Because I care about her Sparrow..." She let out a huff and I ignored her why she got back in her car and left.

I regret pushing Amethyst away – and my greatest fear was I pushed her right back into Roosters arms, I would wait here all day for her if I had to, until she came home, if she didn't come home in 48 hours, I'll report her missing.

--- Stella's Point of View ---

Flying with Rooster was always calming to me, so unlike Hangman – flying with him was exciting, we had about 20 minutes before we were able to drop the bomb.

"Does Jake know about who you are?"

"Excuse me?" I questioned noticeably stunned, I was so focused on what I was going that my mind had gone someplace else.

"Did you tell him about how you design weapons?"

I suddenly felt odd answering this, because I did mention it, and Hangman simply didn't press the I decided to tell the truth, the truth couldn't hurt.

"He knows that I helped with the other bomb that we are training as a team to drop, but I didn't get to much into how involved I am, so no, he's in the dark still."

"So I am the only one of the graduates who knows?"


"Do you love him?"

I narrowed my eyes at the back of his head, knowing that he couldn't see my expression.

"I care about him."

"That is not an answer to the question."

"Yeah, I know, I'm deflecting the question because I haven't really explored it."

"He's not a good guy. He's never watches his wingman's back, and he is not a team player, why not insist that I fly with you, we are good more ways than one."

"Who said that I am looking for a good guy or a team player? Maybe I'm looking for someone with a sharp edge." I threw back at him.

"Is that why you decided we shouldn't date or become exclusive? Because you are attractive to the stereotypical bad boy?"

"Jesus Bradley." I exclaimed calling him by his regular name. "Jake is not stereotypical by any means, and what happened between us was in the past, or so I thought."

"A good girl like you shouldn't be with someone like him, you are a gentle soul, he's going to break your heart."

Anger seeped into me, Kazansky was the only person who didn't treat me like I was some delicate flower, I hated people thinking that I'm just some shy introverted girl who reads all day and sighs waiting for her fucking prince.

"I'm a killer Bradley, do you have any idea how many people my weapons have sent to an early grave, do you have any idea what this bomb is going to do, I'm seen as a 'good person' by everyone because that is what I cultivate people to see, I have demons that you couldn't even fathom."

He was quiet for a moment.

"I'm not scared of your demons... or you for that matter."

Before I acted on the urge to throw him out of this supersonic aircraft there was a beep on the screen.

"Turn and burn Rooster, we are on."

He did as I had told him, soon we were approaching where the sub was underwater.

"" I dropped it.

"Turn and burn getting 30 miles out, now." I barked, he did as I said, without hesitation or argument.

"Okay, holding pattern in a wide circle tilt us inwards....and wait for it."

"Wait for what?"

I didn't answer him as we circled twice, then the water, about half a mile wide suddenly seemed to fall in the ocean like a dip in the water, and then a huge wide column of water shot up into the air."


He banked away, not that the water was close to us, but the sheer velocity of it shocked him clearly. I got on the main radio to the aircraft carrier.

"Has target been eliminated?"

"Affirmative, come back to the carrier, well done."

We flew in silence, as soon as I saw the aircraft carrier he asked gently.

"Is this one that you made?"


"Fucking Shit Amethyst."

{9 Hours Later}

I wasn't sure why I was so unsettled after the bombing, but I wanted Rooster to drive me home, the moment I looked into his brown eyes I knew – he would never look at me the same.

I wasn't sure if he cared any less for me, but it was clear that in some way I scared him.

When we got to the driveway I saw Hangman sitting against my front door, his motorcycle parked by my mail box.

Rooster and I when we parked got out of the car and walked up to where he was, he looked exhausted and tired, how long had he been here?

"Hello Jake..." Rooster greeted, I was just about to ask Hangman what he was doing here when he stood up and stalked over to me, his body looked so rigid that I stepped back on reflex.

"Where have the two of you been, me and the others have been fucking looking for you for hours, we were about to alert the Vice Admiral thinking you had gone AWOL." He growled.

"Relax, we were just spending time together, we got a hotel in San Francisco to have a bit of fun in."

Hangman's eyes went wide, and he looked at me with such hurt.

I could kill Rooster at this moment, he had me in a dead lock, there is no way I could deny it because then Hangman would question and I couldn't tell him, by law, where I was and the mission we had gone on, Rooster fucking knew this.

"Is that true Amethyst?"

I looked up at Hangman.

"Yes, why is this a problem?"

"There is no problem, we are called to be at the base at 0600, see you then."

Without looking back he walked to his motorcycle, putting on his helmet he drove off, I rounded on Rooster, pushing him back with both my hands.

"I will never fucking forgive you for that."

"Yeah, you will."

I turned and walked into my house, slamming the door behind me, I was exhausted, and I really didn't want to deal with Hangman or Rooster now.

{Later that Night}

There was a knock at the door, blurry eyed I looked at the clock, it was 3AM, I pulled myself out of bed, not really registering I was wearing boxers and a sports bra I answered the door.

Hangman was standing there, he looked me up and down slowly.

"Can I come in?"

Seriously? I stood aside and motioned for him to walk into the house. 

Master ♡-- Jake Seresin 'Hangman' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now