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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. 

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Stella's Point of View ---



The last blow was a bit harder, but I gritted my teeth and was a good girl obeying him.


"Baby Girl..." Hangman's voice was soft and light as he ran his fingers over the now welts on my back, I felt pleasure from the pain, he moved forward and kissed his back.

"I'm sorry Daddy." I sobbed gently; he pulled me into his arms.

"Why did you fight me so hard..." He asked, I could tell that the question was in the rhetorical.

"Do you have ice packs in your freezer?


He got up off the bed, I watched as he left the room, I waited why he brought back one of my ice packs, I gently pressed it against my back, I closed my eyes and whimpered.

"Can I ask you something a bit off topic?"

"Uh yeah."

"What where you and rooster really doing?"

"You know I can't tell you."

"Can't or won't?"

"We were called on a mission."

His eyes went wide.

"You were his back seater in a mission?"

His voice started me, because there was such venom behind it, such anger, where on earth was this coming from?

"It was more Rooster taking the lead, I knew you wouldn't believe him, deep down I knew that you wouldn't believe it."

Keeping the ice pack pressed against my back he moved forward and kissed me, holding the kiss for a while.

"I don't like the idea of you being his back seater."

My eyes went a little bit wide and I looked at him with bemusement.

"Are you jealous Hangman?" I teased, but when I got a good look at his face I knew that I really shouldn't have teased him, there was darkness in his eyes.

"When it come to him, yes."

"I thought your rivalry with Rooster was well in the past."

He gently flipped me down on my back, burying his face in my neck.

"You are mine."

He pressed his weight down on me.

"You do know that when you say RED I will stop what I'm doing right?"


"Good, you can fight me on what I'm about to do to you – say RED and it will stop, otherwise your silence will be your permission – understood."

"Understood." I whimpered, excitement and fear building up in my chest.

He bit down on my shoulder, hard and I struggled against him, knowing that I could stop at any time, but I had feeling I was going to get some aggression and fear out, I whimpered as he pinned my arms above me roughly.

{The Next Morning}

Hangman had to meet some friends for breakfast, so at early dawn, he reluctantly got up and left me, that was fine, I was sore after the night we had, he had handed me very roughly, I loved every moment of it.

"You alright?"

I jumped a little, turning to see Rooster standing there, we were both in the mess hall getting breakfast, I was starving.

"Uh yeah, morning, why do you ask, do I not look okay?" I teased, continuing to get my food.

"You look like you are in pain."

Oh I so didn't want to go into that, he was right, I was sore.

"I'm fine..."

"Vice Admiral Simpson said that we are going to run the bombing drill this morning, after you are done eating of course."

I knew that the Vice Admiral hated the idea of me being with Hangman, but why he was pushing me on Rooster was beyond me, he was basically defying Ice Man. I felt a pang of loss thinking about him.

I had power here, because that was my bomb and the contract gave me some power over the situation, I would insist Hangman be with me, but I might as well humor Beau.

{4 Hours Later}

We were up in the aircraft, this was the third time we had turn the drill, again it was perfect, he listened to me, and he was conservative, but I still didn't feel like he could handle what would happen during the mission.

Also each time he banked I had to deal with many areas of soreness, from the welts on my back and the muscle strain from what Hangman did to me last night.

We were in a holding pattern waiting to land.

"Can I ask you something personal?"


"Why do you not want me to go on this mission with you, I know Admiral Kazansky asked that you be placed with Jake, but you had to admit that we work well together, I work better with you than Sparrow, why are you not picking me to go on this mission with you?"

Yeah that was the last thing that I wanted to answer.

"I don't know how to answer that Bradley."

"Do you love him?"

There was silence between us. Again, not a question that I wanted to answer.

"I care about him... and I fear it is growing stronger by the day..." I confessed.

"Are you aware of my feeling for you?"

The way that he said it made me wish that I could look in his eyes, there was such hurt, I could tell he was holding back a lot of emotions.

"I suspected..." I answered softly.

"Amethyst, Rooster, you are cleared to land."

Instantly he was focused on landing, and I let him do his thing, when we landed and were taxing back to the parking area, I looked out the side of the aircraft, standing there with his arms crossed, wearing a black tank top and jeans was Hangman – even from this distance I could tell that he was pissed.

"He looks upset." Rooster muttered gently, clearing seeing Hangman, suddenly I was a bit anxious about leaving this aircraft. 

Master ♡-- Jake Seresin 'Hangman' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now