Pot and Kettle

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. The chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and cheating – lot's of red flags, so trigger warning for that. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Stella's Point of View –--

I walked in first and he came in behind me still holding Aurora close to his chest.

I turned and saw the anger and the fury in his eyes, but the way that he was holding my daughter – so gentile and loving, I realized that he was in complete control of himself.

That self-control and power was something that I loved about him, something that Rooster didn't possess.

I looked at Aurora and she did a tiny stretch and yawned.

"Has she eaten?"


"I'm going to put her down for a nap, then we are going to talk."

The way he said it, voice deep and level – it let me know that he wasn't really asking, I nodded at him, knowing that my daughter was in safe hands.

"Go to the bedroom and wait for me."

We separated and I walked to the bedroom, turning on the camera and audio feed that I had in the room – the monitor was by my bed, I watched him with her. I was genuinely curious how he would interact with her, and if he could put her down for a nap easily.

He started to sing softly while walking back and forth – rocking her in his arm, his voice was a beautiful tenor, after a while he slowly put her in the crib, I could tell that she had fallen fast asleep.

I was amazed, half realizing that both Hangman and Rooster were very natural and gentle when taking on paternal role, something you were sure a person wouldn't assume meeting them outright.

Leaning over the crib he kissed her little head and then nose, putting her tiny blanket over her – tucking her in. Swiftly he disappeared from the screen and then I looked up and saw him at the bedroom door.

"You are so good with her." I whimpered.

"That is because I love her already, and I love you."

He moved forward and got into my space without giving me any breathing space, leaning forward he seemed to smell my neck, getting close but not quite kissing my neck.

"Do you really want to marry Rooster? Do you want to make that kind of commitment to him? Have the last name of Bradshaw?"

When he said his last name there was unmistakable venom in his voice. He entangled his fingers in my hair, pulling back my hair and making me look up at him.


"Hesitation? That says a lot, as I said babe, the next child you have is going to be mine. Besides you know Seresin makes a better last name right?"

"What about Davina?"

"What about her? I do not love her and if the kid is mine I will do the right thing and take care of it, like Rooster is doing with Aurora. Honestly darling, you being upset about her and I is basically a pot and kettle kind of situation, and you have no right to talk. Fine – you can keep Rooster, but I am not giving you up."

Gently he pushed me on the bed and started to undress me.

"If you do marry him nothing will stop me from going to that altar and dragging you from it in front of everyone."

I saw him standing there shirtless, my heart picked up with I saw a silver necklace, with a stone pendant handing from the end...an Amethyst.

He noticed what I was looking at.

"I never took it off, every moment I was with Davina, I had it on, you were never far from my heart our mind."

I could see the shift in his body - I was gearing myself up have him pounce on me, but he lowered himself, pulling my legs off of the bed he maneuvered in between my legs, pulling me down the bed he put my legs over his shoulders.

With that signature smirk he leaned down and licked my core, I had to cover my mouth to keep from moaning and waking up my daughter, but the pleasure was unbelievable.

All thoughts and worries at that moment dissipated as I simply enjoyed being with him, letting my base animal instincts take over for fucking once. 

Master ♡-- Jake Seresin 'Hangman' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now