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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. 

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships so trigger warning for that.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

---Stella's Point of View ---

I got into the aircraft and taxied to the catapult one, I took a deep breath, as good as I knew that I was I hated being front seater.

I waited then realized that I was the one that had to start this thing.

"Raptor one on up and ready on catapult one." I muttered; I was a bit gun shy because I would be going on this alone.

"Raptor spare one standing by." I was somewhat reassured by Roosters voice.

"Raptor spare two standing by." Phoenix voice was loud and clear.

"Send at your mark." Beau said over the comms, I gave the signal, and braced myself, I hated the bump at the end of being launched from the carrier.

I turned to a south way direction, I took a few deep breaths as I started to go, after amount five minutes from my mark I got on comm.

"I am going down to below radar..."

The forest was dense, and I was just above the trees, the target was a ways in, when I was over it, I dropped the beacon bomb, then turned sharply, and dropped the main, it was a bunker buster.

I started flying with the after burners to get away, I watched a huge section of trees disspear as a hole opened up, there was no explosion upward, but downward, it was a new kind of bomb.

"Raptor one heading back to car..." I was cut off when I looked to the left, a fighter was tracking with me, I looked at my sat nav, they were not showing on it.

"Say again Raptor."

"Do you have bandits on radar."

"Negative, do you see bandits."


I looked around, there were four of them.


"Have they noticed you?"

I looked closer at then, they were now coming around.

"I would say so, I know I can't out run them, they are fifth generation fighters."

"Get back to the coast, we are sending spare one and two at you."

My heart thudded realizing that Rooster and Phoenix were about to come and try and get me out of this, I half wanted to tell them that I was not worth it, but Beau clearly thought I was.

I dived even lower, a risky move putting me right in the trees, but I maneuver as best as I could, clipping some, I looked up, they were flying higher above me.

"Almost their Amethyst..." Roosters voice was over comm.

"The have moved higher in elevation, watch out..."

I was just about out of the trees and on the coast when I noticed one coming right at me, I took a sharp right as it was on my tail, the mother fucking chased me right back into the forest.

I couldn't drop below the canopy this time, he was right on my ass.

"Five, one of them is on me..." I relayed.

"Can you shake them."

"Trying." I was focusing on not getting killed, I was out gunned and the only thing that was helping was my maneuvering – but I wasn't sure how long I could use my tricks.

It felt way to long that I was trying to lose this guy, I heard that Rooster and Phoenix were taking out the other three, but this asshole had it out for me.

"Amethyst bank right hard then climb." I was startled to hear Hangman's voice, without hesitation I did as he asked, I heard and explosion I climbed and rolled the aircraft over, watching Hangman's aircraft fly above the now crashing enemy aircraft.

We moved in sync with one another and soon we were making our way to the coast, flying close side by side, he made a movement with this hand motioning to his ear.

I switched to the private communication links.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes...why are you here, I thought they grounded you."

"When they saw that Rooster and Phoenix were distracted by the others and that they couldn't find you...they sent me."

"Thank you."

There was a pause between us.

"You should be in my back seat..." He said it gently but there was a domination.

I let out a sigh, happy to look down and see the ocean.

"I agree."

"Do you like Indian food?" he gently questioned.

My brain glitched for a moment. "Huh?" I muttered as I saw the carrier come into sight and I switched back to normal comm's. 

Master ♡-- Jake Seresin 'Hangman' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now