Goodbye Kiss

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. 

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships so trigger warning for that.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

---Hangman's Point of View ---

I quickly ordered online for food to be delivered, I listened the whole time and after a while I heard the shower shut off.

I leaned back against the table and listened to her moving around upstairs, I watched as she walked down the stars, and I felt my heart pick up when I saw her wearing my boxers and a white undershirt that I normally wear with my uniform.

She saw me looking at her and looked away blushing.

"You look nice...are you alight?"

"Yes, thank you Daddy..."

"You can call me Hangman, I haven't hurt you to bad, pushed you beyond your limits? I didn't like hearing that color, we should talk about limits..." I was starting to ramble.

"No I am alright, thank you listening to was just a lot..."

I walked forward and put both my hands on either side of her face, she looked up at me wide eyed and with such trust that it made my heart thud in pleasure.

We looked at one another for a moment, tit wasn't' an awkward silence, it was an enjoyable and loving silence, slowly raising my hand I wrapped it around her throat.

She didn't look scared and the trust in her eyes made me continue, I pulled her head forward and kissed her, she kissed me back, I kissed her slowly and at my own leisure.

We must have lost track of time making out but the knock at the door started me, I pulled back from her.

"That would be our food...sit at the table."

I let go of her throat and walked to the door, when I opened it I saw a lovely lady and I took the food, giving her a nice tip though the delivery app.

I walked into the kitchen to see her sitting at the table, I started getting the food ready, I loved how she let me take control and take care of her.

"I got a text from Rooster."

She looked up at me clearly not holding her surprise, she waited for me to continue.

"I know that I shouldn't be the one to tell you this, but you have been selected for a mission..."

I watched as her face seemed to relax, and she licked her lips, I was sure that it wasn't meant to be seductive but it was to me.

"Oh that, yeah I figured they would ask me."

I did my best to hold my shock at that as I finished putting her food on a plate, I walked it over to her, setting it in front of her, she looked up at me wide eyed.

"Thank you." She grabbed my hand and put it to her face and kissed the back of my hand. I let out a involuntary gasp at the unexpected act of affection.

"You're welcome...Rooster and I are trying to get on the ship..."

"Why, it's a one-person mission?"

I simply looked at her. She seemed to be thinking things over, then it dawned on her.

"You are worried about me..."

"Yeah..." I walked back to the kitchen and got my food, I walked over and sat down with her, we started eating.

"I'll talk to the Vice Admiral and see if I can ask for you to be with me." I reached my hand under the table and grabber her thigh, she let out a whimper at my rough touch.

"You have that power?"

"I'm not sure, but it couldn't hurt to ask." I took another bite of food, all while looking at her.

{The Next Day}

I saw on the upper deck, looking into the gallery below, we were already out to sea, I was waiting them go over the target that she would be going after.

"Seresin..." I jumped a little as Maverick came up behind me.

"Captain." I turned away from him, I was a little bit annoyed because he had made sure that I wasn't a spare on the mission – he made Rooster and Phoenix.

"You are in love with her..."

I turned sharply to look at him, eyes narrowed.


"The reason you are not her spare is because you are in love with her."

I wondered if I was that transparent, but that also annoyed the fuck out of me.

"You know Rooster has feelings for her..."

He nodded.

"But she doesn't love Rooster like she loves you..." He put his hand on my shoulder and turned and left.

--- Stella's Point of View ---

I was looking down going to the flight deck, behind everyone, I was about to walk though the door when I was grabbed from behind and a hand covered my mouth.

The moment I was pulled against his body I knew that it was Hangman and my body relaxed, he spun me around and in the darkness our lips met, he kissed me deeply, it was a serious and strong kiss – like he was staking claim on me.

He pushed me away and I heard him take a shuttering breath.

"Come home to me..."

In the dimly lit area I saw him walk back into the bowels of the ship, and with a heavy heart I walked out into the sunlight, making my way to my aircraft. Feeling like I should be seated behind him, not going alone. 

Master ♡-- Jake Seresin 'Hangman' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now