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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence.

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships, - so trigger warning for that.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

---Hangman's Point of View ---

I looked over at her asleep in the bed. She was so brave and strong during this whole thing, how could someone who was recently shot look so good – and utterly fuckable.

I knew that I had to be easy with her – not to go at her to hard, right now, my dominant side was showing hard and that it would be hard for me not to make her submit to me, but I wanted the challenge.

"Fuck." I muttered as I sat down on the edge of the bed and looked over at her, reaching out I ran the back of my hand down her cheek, the touch seemed to make her shiver and she buried her head even more into the pillow.

I remembered back to when I first flew with Amethyst, I was such an asshole to her, and in this moment, I knew that I was unworthy of her, she deserved a soft and loving man.

But I would kill Rooster before I let her go to him – or another other man for that same matter, she was mine now, and I wasn't going to give her up.

My cell phone pinged, and I saw the delivery guy come up to the front door, carrying the things that I had ordered, I didn't want to leave her alone at the house to get groceries, so I had them delivered.

With a sigh I got up and walked to the door to get it.

--- Stella's Point of View ---

{Five Hours Later}

When I woke up I suddenly felt much better, the room was cool and the window was open with the screen, letting fresh night air in.

I raised myself up on my arms and let out a whimper of pain, but it was a little less than before.

I took in a deep breath, and I smelled something wonderful, I realized that I was naked, I got up and walked over to the closet, finding a robe I put it on, it was large clean and fluffy white.

Slowly and with care I walked down to stairs to the kitchen.

I stopped just short of walking in, from this place I was able to watch him for a moment, he was wearing a blue button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up his forearms, his muscles working, he was so handsome.

I loved his focused look, I had seen it many times on his face when he was at the base, looking over things or when he was looking over his plane before flight – almost alarmingly attractive look.

"What are you cooking, it smells good."

He jumped a little bit but recovered himself well, he looked up at me with a winning smile.

"Chicken Carbonara with a Caesar hungry?"

I did an physical check of my body, yep, I was fucking starving.

"Yes...I didn't know you cooked."

He gave me a smile.

"Only when I am trying to impress a woman."

I stepped forward, he put the spatula he was working with down and lead me over to the dining room table.

I saw that he had set it up beautifully, with nice China. He sat me down at the table then pulled out a lighter, lighting the two candles.

"I'll serve us...then I simply want to cuddle you and watch a movie."

He turned and left; I watched him somewhat bemused as he started to put our food together. If I wasn't careful, I would fall deeply and irrevocably in love with him, was that Kazansky's intention all along, paring up together?

Why was I so unsettled still, why did I feel like bad was coming?

Master ♡-- Jake Seresin 'Hangman' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now