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Warning!! Chapter may contain talks of BDSM possible uncomfortable situations, smoking, possible trigger warning for some parts.

Chapter also contains elements of toxic relationships. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Stella's Point of View ---

The take off was rough with him, I wasn't sure if he was doing that on purpose.

"Ok we are going to head towards the first target."

"Hangman can you slow down the G's so I can get a lock in..."

He suddenly did a rapid turn to the left, so much so that it threw me against the wall, then he leveled out.

I tired my best to lock on to the target, but he was going a bit to fast, I decided to fire anyway."

"That was a miss." He growled.

He turned and banked hard, his movements were way to fast and it was having to pressure breath the entire time, and I missed all of my targets.

I didn't say anything when we made it back to the hangar, he even had a rough landing, it was clear to me that he had done this on purpose.

I climbed out of the plane, and I found that the steps were a bit off.

"I can't believe that you missed the targets." Rooster muttered as he helped me down, still in his flight gear, I looked at him, he wasn't being mean he was being observant.


I walked up to Hangman, ignoring everyone, getting in close so only he could hear what I was saying.

"Seriously Hangman, for someone that I have been told is the best flyer to come out of the academy since Maverick, and someone who I admired myself you are really choppy with your corners and clearly can't slow down to save your life..."

I turned and started walking.

"Hey do you want to go get some drinks?" Phoenix asked.

"No thank you, for the first time in 10 years I need to get a hold of some Dramamine. See you all tomorrow."

I walked out of the hangar, not offering to help Hangman put the plane away.

{Late Night}

I had a rented house just outside of base, it was small and I liked the privacy of it, I was going over the mission plan, we had only one month to get ready.

I had thought about how best to deal with Hangman, and with as narcissistic as he can be, maybe some flattery and, fuck I hate to say it, submission might help.

I jumped when there was a knock at the door. Shit, it was like, 11 at night.

Narrowing my eyes I walked over and looked though the peephole and saw Hangman standing there. With a deep sigh I opened the door.

When I saw him there, he gave me that triggering smile.

He held up a large food container.

"I brought you some egg drop soup, for the nausea... can I come in please?"


I stepped aside and he came into the room. Looking around.

"Nice place."

"Thank you, hey there is enough for two clearly, can I make you a bowl."

He looked a bit shocked and handed me the food. "Sure."

I walked into the kitchen and put the soup into two bowls and then brough it out, I walked right back into the kitchen and brough us two Bud Lights.

"Thank you."

We sat down on the couch, he was far away from me, for reasons I couldn't figure out I wanted him closer.

"So why the late-night drop by?"

"I wanted to apologize for how I acted in the air."

"Let me guess... Rooster got on your case."

He shook his head. "Yeah, everyone did."

I shook my head and took a few more bites of food, this was really good soup. "Honestly, I was excited to fly with you yesterday."

He looked up shocked.


"Yeah, I have seen you fly from another plane and from the ground, you fly beautifully and graceful but with clear power behind each movement."

"Uh, thanks, I didn't know you watched me fly."

"Well you never really talked to me."

"My loss clearly... I'm hoping tomorrow will be better."

"Me to, you know this isn't forever, it's only for this one mission. And then I will leave you alone..."

He had finished his soup and finished his beer, he stood up and stumbled.

I set my food down and stood up with him, he looked at me with his eyes narrowing.

"How far is where you are staying?"

"About 30 minutes away."

"Yeah, no, it's late and you look exhausted and not to mention you have been drinking, I live closer to base and I have an overnight bag for visitors."


"Please don't argue with me – you owe me this after today, you know this is logical."

"Okay... I'll stay." He smiled as I took the bowl and walked to the kitchen.

"Come on." I showed him where the bedroom was and the bathroom with the overnight bag with toiletries.

"Thank you..."

"Goodnight Hangman." He gave me a soft smile.

"Goodnight Amethyst."

I walked out of the room and closed the door behind me, I decided to quickly clean up and go to bed myself, tying to figure out what I was thinking inviting Hangman for a sleepover.

{The Next Morning}

I woke up smelling something amazing, sitting up in bed I walked out of the room, not really thinking about the fact that I was wearing moccasins, a tank top and cotton pants as I walked into the kitchen.

I gulped in shock.

Standing at the stove, shirtless and with messy bed head, was Hangman. He was cooking bacon, eggs and biscuits – it smelled amazing, and he was lightly humming to himself, I cleared my throat to get his attention.

He turned to look at me, then did a double take, he looked me up and down, there was something in his expression that made me equal parts anxious and turned on...shit. I saw he licked his lips quickly as he looked at me.

"Morning, hope you don't mind, I'm making us breakfast before we have to go in."

Good lord, did he have to be this well-built? He was just so...male. And I had the totally inappropriate desire to walk up and run my hands across his stomach.

Master ♡-- Jake Seresin 'Hangman' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now