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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. The chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and cheating – lot's of red flags, so trigger warning for that. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Stella's Point of View –--

When the door opened a few hours later it scared the shit out of me, looking at the door I saw Rooster walking in, he had his shirt off and looked like he had been working out – it always started me because looking at him with a shirt on – you wouldn't noticed just how muscular he was.

I had a keypad door lock to get into my house - and he had a code. He looked at me worried and somewhat annoyed.

"Babe, is everything alright? You had me worried because you didn't answer when I called you."

I narrowed my eyes – and reached over grabbing my phone, he had called five times – I had the sound turned off to ignore Hangman if he called.

"Yeah we are alright, sorry, I was screening my calls."

He looked around, as if he was looking for someone, I figured who it was instantly.

"He isn't here?" He softly questioned.

"No he left."

I had an imagine of him leaving with Davina – and suddenly I found that I couldn't help it, the tears just started to come and I looked down and held Aurora closer to my chest, she let out a happy coo at the hug.

"What is going on?"

Rooster came over and held out his arms, I handed our daughter over to him without any hesitation, she cooed at him and hugged him.

"I's complicated."

"If you are crying it's more than just complicated, that's a cop out and you know it."

In sync we moved to sit down on the couch, laid back and looked at him paying with our daughter, then he turned his attention over to me after a few moments.

"Babe I think you should just leave him, he's doing nothing but stressing you and that it makes our daughter anxious when you are."

"I know, it's just...hard when you love someone."

"Yeah I know a little something about that." He muttered under his breath, I looked at him and my heart started to ache at seeing the sadness on his face.

"I'm sorry."

I let out a sigh and ran a hand across my face, my head was hurting, and I was exhausted from all the emotional turmoil that I was feeling.

"Let me say here, I will keep an eye on her, you need some sleep."

I wasn't about to pass up this offer, I really wanted to set some sleep and knowing that she was safe would help me relax enough to sleep.

"Thank you..." I got up and kissed him on the cheek, then the nose of Aurora, I walked to the bedroom, I mustered up the energy to take a nice hot shower and work my back and shoulder muscles – it was where I tended to keep my stress and tension, so I worked my muscles a little bit.

I put on a white shirt and some boy's boxers and laid down on top of the bed, not even getting under the covers as I fell asleep instantly.

--- Davina's Point of View ---

I held my belly, I thought that Bradley would be happy with our baby, but I was wrong, his name isn't even Bradley.

"Jake...your name is Jake! I don't believe you." I cried.

He had taken me to a park and we were sitting on a bench, it was empty and I think he planned it that way.

My whole world has just come crashing down, he admired that he was only with me to get close to a target, I couldn't believe this, I wiped my eyes in frustration.

"They way we made love, the things you said to me, the little love notes and flowers...we made a baby Bradley."

"My name is Jake, and as I said we will get a DNA test and if it is mine I will take responsibility for it."

"So you will marry me?" That is what it meant to take responsibility for this baby.

"Things don't work like that here Davina, I mean I will finically help you and the baby – but I am not going to marry you."

"Why, because you are with her...she isn't even modest – she won't even make a good mother."

He closed his eyes and took a very deep breath, I could feel the rage coming off him, he had never been mad at me – not when we were together.

"I'm going to let that slide because you are upset – but you need to work things out on your own, I'll help pay for the birth but I demand a DNA test before I pay child support. Consider this a verbal warning, stay away from her from now on – if you don't I will have to get the authorities involved."

I wiped away another fresh set of tears that were falling, this dominating and angry man was so unknown to me, it was scary, if he did lie about loving me he did a good job, he had me fooled.

"Now call me if you are going to the doctor or you need something important, otherwise I'm going to ignore you, I have to get back to her...I'm sorry Davina, I just can't be what you want me to be."

He stood up and not even looking back at me he walked to his car, and drove off without much of a pause. 

Master ♡-- Jake Seresin 'Hangman' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now