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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. The chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and cheating – lot's of red flags, so trigger warning for that. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Stella's Point of View ---

Watching him closely I abolished myself for having any anger towards him and him being gone, clearly had had been through some serious shit.

And honestly, having Aurora without him – I think it made Rooster more settled as a father early on.

But now I wonder how things were going to play out, because I have a feeling that Hangman isn't going to me the kind of boyfriend who will be hands off with a child that isn't his.

My heart started to melt when I noticed him sealing glances at the baby monitor.

"Does she sleep though the night?"

"Uh yea." I finished up my food, offering him the half of the steak that I didn't eat, wordlessly he took it and ate it, I wondered what he meant by saying he didn't have much to eat, when he finished, he got up, I got up ahead of him.

"You cooked I cleaned."

"Do you mind if I stay the night?"

I felt myself start to blush and that flushed feeling seemed to spread all over my body and giving me butterflies in my stomach.

"Uh, not at all."

"I'll sleep in the guest room."

That made me frown, I took the dishes to the dishwasher, he excused himself, he walked out to his car and brough in what looked like a go bag.

"Why, do you not want to sleep next to me?"

He walked over and kissed my forehead then lips gently.

"I don't think you screaming in pleasure is a way that Aurora wants to be woken up with – I haven't been sleeping well, but I have a feeling that sleeping near my girls would help me sleep better." He ran a hand across his face, I noticed how exhausted he looked.

I put my hands on his upper arms and rubbed up and down in a comforting manner, he smiled looking where my hand was on his arm.

"...I'm sorry, my energy has been recovering, I'm going to turn in. Goodnight baby."

He kissed me again and walked into the room, closing the door behind him, he looked like it physically hurt to move away from me.

With a sad smile I walked to my bedroom, stripping down to my pajamas and getting into bed, even though he wasn't near me, I felt safter and more content with Hangman in the house, even more so than with Rooster.

{8 Hours Later}

I woke up in a cold sweat, grabbing the monitor by the side of my bed on force of habit, I rubbed my eyes as panic set in when I saw she wasn't in her crip.

At the same time that I heard noise in what had to be the kitchen I remembered Rooster.

I got up and put on a robe, I walked out into the kitchen, he was cooking what looked like huevos rancheros I would say.

Seeing him cook that brough me pause, was cooking Mexican food something he has always been able to do? Or was this due to him being gone and where he was?

I wanted to ask but a part of me knew better than to push it.

I looked over, nearby him but out of the way of the stove was a bassinet that was in the kitchen on the long table, she looked like she had been dressed and she seemed content.

He turned and gave me a smile.

"I fed and changed her, I thought you might want to sleep in."

The gesture was almost more than I could handle, Rooster has been a very wonderful and involved dad, but he often left the child tending – at least the late night issues and early morning feeding to me. Having Hangman take the intuitive was something new and welcoming in my opinion.

"That smells good."

I walked back to the room and got my phone, I realized I had a few texts from Rooster, he seemed to be worried but did his best not to seem worried.

I realized what Hangman had said last night, biting my lip I sent him a text.


Rooster, do you mind taking Aurora tonight to stay at your place, I need to talk about where Hangman was and some privacy would be nice.

I was well within my right to ask him this, because she mostly spent the night with me and I think both Rooster and Aurora would love a father daughter night.


Lol odd you need privacy from a baby, but I'm going to complain - I would love that, what time should I come by and pick her up?

I looked at the clock, giving up two hours to eat and ger her an overnight bag.


About 11:30 am.


Alright I'll be there.

I set the phone down, I would have to gear myself up to talk to Hangman and get some answers. 

Master ♡-- Jake Seresin 'Hangman' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now