Give In

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. The chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and cheating – lot's of red flags, so trigger warning for that. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Stella's Point of View ---

{2 Weeks Later}

"Are you sure your ready for this?" Rooster asked me for the 11th Trillion time, I had just been cleared by the Navy medical team to come back to work and fly.

"Yes I'm ready, you know Mav has been waiting to take her for weeks now, our daughter is safe and I really need to get back into the air."


When we got to base I found that I was going to be running typical drills, and air to air combat drills, I would be flying and they would send people after me.

Rooster, being the new anxious father that he is decided to go see Maverick right after dropping me off, I smiled as I walked to my aircraft – I mean, Aurora was in perfectly safe hands with Maverick – he has been spoiling her since birth, but Rooster has been a loving, caring and completely anxious new father.

For me motherhood came surprisingly natural, she was a good baby, but it was clear at this age she was starting to have Roosters kind personality. With her wide charming brown eyes.

I got into the aircraft, looking down and smiling as I saw my name on the side. Lt. Stella "Amethyst" Duval...nice seeing it. I settled in and was led to the runway, the moment I took off I felt the feeling in my heart thud, I had missed this.

I started doing basic maneuvers, away from some of the other people in the sky, after a moment I was called over to fly in a holding pattern waiting my turn to tun the air-to-air combat drill.

I was looking over at the base in the distance I saw in my side eye someone fly up alongside of me, I didn't look who it was right away.

"Thank you ...thank you for giving her my last name for her middle – even though she is Roosters , you have no idea how much that means to me."

My blood run cold, seriously it felt like cold sharp glass was pulsing though my veins. Slowly I turned my head, I saw his helmet, H_NGM_N, I looked at the side of his plane, thinking I was hallucinating, or someone was playing a joke on me, it said Lt. Jake "Hangman" Seresin. I looked up, he was looking at me.


"Fuck baby, I missed you, I'm so sorry, I am hoping you will let me explain."

I got on the radio without hesitation.

"Requesting immediate clearance to land..." I stammered, so much was going on in my mind and heart that I was really fighting control and not freaking out.

"Granted, do we need to send a medical crew?" The Vice Admiral asked, luckily he had told me that I could land anytime because I just had a baby.

"No...I'm fine...just need to get on solid ground." I really didn't want to pass out from shock

"Request to land, so I can give support and help to Amethyst..." I heard Hangman ask, he was granted, saying that he should land first.

What happened next was almost in a daze. I watched as he landed, and then when I was cleared, I landed, I pulled up and turned it off at my parking spot... I opened the cockpit and looked down.

I wanted to cry, Hangman was standing there, he looked a tiny bit thinner but so fucking handsome, but this was him, this was my Hangman, I thought he was dead.

He opened up his arms and looked up at me, I got out of the aircraft, leaving my helmet behind, when I was down I felt light headed and he grabbed me before I fell off the last steps.

"Easy..." He put both hands on either side of my face.

"I missed you so much...I'm so sorry..." He leaned down and with my face in his hands he kissed me, softly at first, then moved his hand to the back of my head grasping on my hair and kissing him deeper, I sobbed hard against his lips when he pulled back, his lips an inch from now.

"I know...shhh...give in baby" he leaned forward and kissed my again, and I tasted my own tears I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him back. 

Master ♡-- Jake Seresin 'Hangman' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now