Chapter 9: Returning to S.H.I.E.L.D.

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⍟ ⎊ ⧗Chapter 9: Returning to S.H.I.E.L.D.⍟ ⎊ ⧗

I stared at the screen, where Stephen still stood. I didn't expect this at all. My own thoughts and emotions were at war, clashing against each other. What if he was genuinely changing? For me? A contradicting thought then retaliated, swinging its words against the first what if.

Yeah, and what if he's just playing another game with you? To reel you in before he breaks you. I mentally shook my head. No, not all men are like that. Just because I had one bad experience, does not mean that all my experiences will be like that, right? I glanced back down at my phone, remembering that Stephen was waiting for my response. It was rude for me to ignore him or shut him down when he was making an attempt, an effort to make it up to me for what he did in the past. I appreciated it, he was actually trying. It meant I could trust him, and he earned my respect for it. Knowing I'd leave soon, I sent Stephen a message. This might be the last chance I have to hang out with him before I leave to make my way to the new base.

-Thank you for this. I forgive you, Stephen. When are you free?

In a heartbeat, Stephen texted me back. Wow, well, that was quick. He must have free time on his hands right now.

-I'm free now.

I cracked a smile, setting up a plan with him, while I quickly changed into an outfit to wear for our get together. We decided to meet away from the Tower due to my dad being curious and now knowing about Stephen. I wore a cute long sleeve white top with a dark luxe mini skirt and ankle boots. My hair was pulled back in a braid, which rested on my shoulder. I grabbed my purse before speaking up.

"Jarvis." I called out.

"Yes, Miss Stark?" Jarvis asked.

"Make sure no one enters my room while I'm gone." I ordered.

"Of course, Miss Stark." He confirmed.

As soon as I left my room, I saw Bruce in the hallway, making his way towards me. I grimaced. This wasn't good. I just hope dad didn't sent him. Bruce gave me a smile as he approached me.

"Hey, Aurora, your dad was wondering if you're coming to the lab today." He mentioned. "There are a few things he would like you to take a look at."

I winced. As much as I'd love to, I already made plans with Stephen. I couldn't cancel on him. I'm sorry, dad, but it'll have to be another day. I wore a sympathetic look as I gave him my answer. "I'm sorry, Bruce, but I won't be able to. I already made plans with some friends."

Bruce's face fell, but he quickly hid it with a smile. "Oh don't worry, I get it. I'll just let your dad know."

"Thanks, Bruce. And again, I'm sorry." I apologized.

Bruce waved it off with a hand as he replied. "Don't be. I understand. You should get going, I'm sure your friends are waiting."

"Thanks, Bruce." I replied.

With that, I left, making my way out of the tower, making sure no one saw me. I met Stephen at the coffee shop that we both loved to go to, which wasn't far from the tower. However, we were careful, making sure there were no paparazzi around. Stephen dressed up handsomely as always, not that I'd say that out loud. He wore a black jacket, an elegant light blue shirt, and dark pants along with a red scarf. His black hair was neatly combed back. In his hands, he carried a boquet of roses, baffling me. Were those for me?

"You look beautiful." Stephen commented, giving me a charming smile.

My heart slipped a beat. I couldn't help but crack a smile, especially upon seeing that smile of his. However, I tried my best to hide my emotions, not wanting him to see the effect his words had on me.

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