Chapter 32: Hydra's Here

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⍟ ⎊ ⧗Chapter 32: Hydra's Here ⍟ ⎊ ⧗

I was taken back upon hearing her words. Astra was just as baffled as me. Together, we both blurted out. "What?!"  

"I know it's crazy, right? But she really is my mom. I had a feeling, but I thought it was too good to be true, but it's really her. She even told my birthday. I know when my birthday finally July 2nd." Skye mentioned.

She looked so excited. I was glad that she found her mom. The pieces were finally fitting together. That made sense why Jiaying seemed to favor Skye, and Skye mentioned us that her mother had the gift of healing and how she was butchered by Whitehall, allowing him to steal her gift to remain young after all these decades. At that moment, we heard a knock on the door. Astra opened the door, revealing Jiaying.

"I'm here for your next training session." Jiaying informed us before noticing Skye.

She was surprised to see Skye here. Jiaying gasped. "Skye?"

"I was just talking to my friends. Can I sit in and watch?" Skye inquired with a smile, returning to the matter at hand.

Jiaying immediately returned her smile at once. "Of course."

With that, Jiaying lead us into a spare room. On a table, there were different glasses filled with water. Some were filled to the top, others had less water. What were we supposed to do with all this? Jiaying must have known what I was thinking as she explained her thinking.

"Aurora, I'd like you to play notes with the water." Jiaying informed me.

I raised my hand, focusing on the different glasses. It wasn't long until I moved the water, making notes, making music. I let out a laugh, growing excited. This is amazing. I can tap into nature, be one with it, like I am with the Force or have been training to be since I was a little girl. My gift wasn't all deadly. It could be beautiful.

"Now I'd like you to change the elements from water to something else." Jiaying suggested.

I raised a hand, concentrating on one single glass, taking it step by step. I focused on the first glass. I watched as the glass shook a little before the water turned into a pile of dirt. The next glass was then transformed into a ball of flames. The third glass of water had changed into ice, and then the fourth one was changed into a small whirlwind that Jiaying quickly covered the top with a lid. I let out a gasp, amazed by all that I was able to do what I just did. However, it didn't last long as the glass with the little whirlwind shattered, causing Skye to jump, while Astra gave me a sympathetic smile. My shoulders slumped.

"I'm sorry." I apologized.

Jiaying gave me a smile as she waved it off. "It's all right. It's just glass. We may have to drink from wooden cups at dinner, but so what? Your gift is quite beautiful. Look at the music you can make. And that's not all, you can change between the elements, make water into ice, into dirt, air, and so forth. This is amazing."

I cracked a smile. "Thank you, Jiaying."

Jiaying then turned to face Astra. "Now, I'd like you to use your light to deflect against the glass. See if you can control the intensity."

Astra immediately turned towards the window, using the sunlight and focusing on the glass. We watched in awe as light appeared from her hands, making their way towards the glass. We watched as the light changed from bright to dull, from sparks to a rainbow. It was beautiful. Once our training was finished, Jiaying, Skye, Astra, and I walked through the village, through Afterlife, when we came across a man, wearing a backpack.

Jiaying gave the man a smile as we approached him. "Ethan. Hey. I hear you're headed away."

"Uh, yeah. Taking some time to backpack. Gordon's dropping me off in Prague, so..." Ethan informed us.

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