Chapter 25: You're Different Now

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⍟ ⎊ ⧗Chapter 25: You're Different Now⍟ ⎊ ⧗

Once Jemma was back, she approached us, standing outside our containment cell, while another scientist in a hazmat suit approached us, taking our blood. I looked away as the scientist pricked my skin. Fortunately, it wasn't long until the scientist was done, leaving the cell. There was only a handful of people I trusted to come near me with a needle.

"Thank goodness nothing bad happened to you. Wouldn't want you to have to stay in there forever. Raina...she was unrecognizable. It was insane, and not just from the outside. Look...we separated her DNA and mapped it using gel electrophoresis. Her DNA didn't just contains extra macromolecules. I wouldn't think that even possible." Jemma revealed.

Jemma then revealed the results from her computer. I stared in awe. That was extraordinary. I never thought I'd ever live to see the say something like that could occur. What about my Uncle Greg and Argos? What happened to them? Skye gasped. "That's amazing."

"It's horrific!" Jemma retorted. "We need to make sure that you're not contaminated or infected in any way."

My heart clenched. Well, that didn't sound nice. Immediately, I spoke up, trying to remain positive. "What's the worst that could happen?"

"An epidemic." Jemma answered.

I grimaced. Skye wore a grim look as he replied. "That's a pretty harsh conclusion."

"And I feel responsible." Jemma added.

"We all do." I added.

"There's nothing you could have done." Skye chimed in.

"Yes, there was. I was so curious about powers, about unearthly biology, wondering where it might lead, hoping to better understand it, control it. I should have been trying to terminate it, erase it from existence." Jemma protested.

My jaw dropped. How could she say that, Astra immediately blurted out. "What?"

"You...You've helped plenty of people with powers." Skye reminded her.

"It's part of the world that we live in." I added. "That's inevitable."

"Does change what it is. And this a plague, Aurora...all of it. It only ever brings us death. Donnie Gill, Chan Ho Yin, Creel...the list keeps growing." Jemma listed on as she stormed over towards us.

"Not the Avengers....they're not..." Skye began, but struggled to find the right words.

"The Avengers wouldn't have been necessary if we hadn't unleashed alien horrors." Jemma shot back.

My heart dropped at her words. So that's what she thought of us aliens as? I may be human, but to everyone here on Earth, the moment that they discovered I was born and raised on a different planet, they'd treat me different, like Jemma was doing with Raina.

"There must be another—" Skye began.

"Trip was in fragments!" Jemma cried out, cutting off Skye.

My heart clenched. I remembered all too well, and I hated that as I couldn't sleep at all. His death haunted my dreams. Skye nodded. "I know."

"We know." Astra corrected.

" ends with him. Flooding the alien city may be the first responsible thing I've done to protect the people I care about. I'll check these samples and...and compare them to samples of your blood we had from before, just to be safe." Jemma mentioned.

"Okay." Skye, Astra, and I said.

With that, Jemma took off, leaving us alone. Skye, Astra, and I exchanged grim looks. None of us dared to say a word, unable to process what Jemma had said. I can't believe she said. Would she be saying that if she knew that Astra and I weren't actually born here on Earth like dad and S.H.I.E.L.D. made the world believe. Time passed and once night arrived, Leo entered the lab, standing by our containment box with his back turned towards us. Something was wrong. I could feel it.

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