Chapter 15: Sabotaged

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A/N: Merry Christmas! Here's another chapter update for the holidays! Hope you all enjoy!

⍟ ⎊ ⧗Chapter 15: Sabotaged⍟ ⎊ ⧗

Days went by and I was finally released from the hospital. I was both relieved to finally be up on my feet, however part of me was also sad. I would miss having Stephen by my side. I would miss our conversations, our bickering, but most of all I would hearing his laugh that sounded like a melody, his smile that brightened my day, and the way his eyes would light and how the color changed in the different lightning.

I mentally shook my head. No stop it, Aurora. Don't you dare go down that path ever again. Currently, I stood in Stephen's office, standing face to face with him. There was a grim look on his face. One that made my heart ache. How I hated to see him down like this. But part of it was my fault, since I would be returning to S.H.I.E.L.D. Coulson informed me that I wouldn't be going on any field missions as I was still recovering. Coulson also spoke to Stephen, to keep an eye on me in case anything went wrong due to the serum that was injected in me to save my life. I had no choice but to agree, that was part of the deal for me to return to S.H.I.E.L.D.

"So you're returning to S.H.I.E.L.D. then?" He asked.

"Yeah, though I'm on the bench. Coulson won't let me return to the field just yet, so you can relax." I informed him.

Stephen gave me a sympathetic smile. "Hey, it's not forever. Besides, it's for your own good. You're still recovering. Remember our deal?"

"Yeah, I know." I said before changing the subject. "I'll miss you, Stephen."

Stephen's smile widened. "Well, that's a shocker. Thought you'd be glad to get rid of me and my smothering."

I snickered. "You, Doctor Stephen Strange, are a piece of work."

"I will take that as a compliment." He mentioned.

"And I meant it as a compliment." I confirmed before nudging Stephen's shoulder. "Come on, just say you'll miss me too."

Stephen rolled his eyes, but nevertheless he responded with a smile. "I will miss having you around, bothering me."

I huffed, but my smile widened. "Gee thanks."

"My pleasure." He quipped as his own smile grew.

I turned to leave, but I stopped, spinning back around to face Stephen. Without thinking twice, I wrapped my arms around Stephen. I felt Stephen tense up at first, but before before I could pull away, I felt his arms wrap around me, pulling me into his embrace. A smile grew on my face, feeling at peace and it was as though I was at home. My heart warmed, not wanting to pull away from his hug. But I knew I had to let go. As I pulled away from the hug, I raised my head to see Stephen already looking at me with. His gaze was alluring, pulling me in...I mentally shook my head. No, stop this. This isn't happening, you are not having these thoughts. I just need some rest, and time away from Stephen. Yeah, surely that will help, right?

"I guess this is goodbye." I said, lowering my gaze.

"Yeah, I guess so." He replied.

Rather awkwardly, I turned back around towards the door, leaving behind Stephen.

°☆゚. * ・ 。゚°☆゚. * ・ 。゚°☆゚. * ・ 。゚

Days went by, and I was either in the lab at the Playground or on the Bus, the giant plane, helping out with hacking into any system, creating fake alias for any of the agents. But working behind the scenes began to make me go bad. I needed to go out and be in the field. Coulson gave me a task on the side to try and decipher the alien symbols along with Skye. However, it wasn't an easy job. I also had a copy of all the symbols the Calliope Corporation had collected on my tablet. Currently, Leo, Trip, and I were on the Bus in South Beach, Florida. I was in the meeting room with the holotable and the big screen along with Trip.

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