Chapter 30: Afterlife

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⍟ ⎊ ⧗Chapter 30: Afterlife⍟ ⎊ ⧗

When my eyes fluttered open I found myself in an unknown room, lying on a bed. My clothes were replaced with a simple short white top with a white skirt. My arms, legs, hands, feet, and even stomach were impaled with small needled emitting a red glowing light. The light made its way into my skin before vanishing. What was happening? I looked around to see candles all around me on tables. There was a computer in the corner near me. I then glanced back at the needles, and I could feel myself begin panic. My heart rapidly hammered away in my chest like a hummingbird's wings.

Gordon's voice rang out. "Hey. Everything's gonna be okay. You're safe now."

I glanced over to see Gordon standing beside me with a gentle smile on his face. My shoulders slumped in relief, glad to see him. I tried to imagine Stephen was here beside me, and immediately I calmed down, feeling my shoulders slump and forgetting about the needles. 

"Gordon, where am I?" I questioned.

"This is the place I told you about. You called for me. Do you remember?" Gordon inquired.

Of course. Everything quickly came back to me. I remember how Gordon saved us after we created that horrible wreckage. But how long have I been here?

"How long have I been here?" I questioned.

"Two days." Gordon informed me.

Was I unconscious all this time? My eyes widened. "T-two days?! I need to go. They need me. Something bad has happened."

I then tried to move around, but failed. I was trapped, unable to move even a centimeter. What is going on? I began to panic as I looked around, blurting out. "Oh, why can't I move? What are you doing to me?"

All of a sudden, a male's voice rang out. "You're healing."

I followed the sound of his voice to see him walk in from a door on the other side of the room. The man had short blonde hair, blue eyes, pale skin, and had a bit of stubble around his chin and mouth.

"Leaving now wouldn't exactly be...You ever made microwave popcorn? Leave it in too long, and it's charcoal. Take it out too soon, and it's a bag of kernels." This man explained.

My eyes widened in horror. Oh Force! Please tell me that won't happen to me. I scrunched my nose as I retorted. "That might be the worst analogy ever."

The man grimaced. "Yeah, sorry about that. Gordo, help me out here."

"You are on your own with this one." Gordon retorted with an amused smile on his face. He then turned back to face me. "I have to go now. You're in very good hands.

Gordon then leaned in as he whispered. "He's smarter than he looks."

"How do you know that?" The man retorted.

Gordon gave us each one last smile before he walked off, leaving the room. The man then approached me. "He's been by your side since the moment you got here."

Really? Well, that is sweet of him. No doubt he knew I would panic. But then again in my situation, who wouldn't? Then I remembered I knew nothing about this man. Who was he? And why was he here?

"Who are you?" I blurted out.

Immediately, the man wore a sheepish smile. "Sorry. I thought...I'm Lincoln, your transitioner. Right. I-I keep forgetting you're new to this. E-everyone who goes through Terrigenesis has, uh, a transitioner to help them."

"Not that I don't appreciate you telling me all this, but could you please cut to the chase." I advised.

Lincoln nodded. "Right, yeah. Let me start from the top."

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