Chapter 50: The Monolith

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⍟ ⎊ ⧗Chapter 50: The Monolith⍟ ⎊ ⧗

"Yet you know all those words you just said." Bobbi pointed out.

"And you're scared of portals. You're scared of being dragged back home through a portal. So I think in your drunken stumble through history, you've probably investigated every story involving one." Coulson pointed out.

"And I've seen you eyeing all of your exits." I mentioned, chiming in.

"And my knee brace, wondering if you can get away with it." Bobbi added, earning a reluctant nod from Randolph. "The only reason you came with us was to confirm its existence."

"And destroy it." Randolph informed us.

My heart clenched. Was it really that dangerous? We cannot destroy it, not yet. We need to see if we can get Jemma back first, then we can blow this monolith to smithereens.

"You'll have to go through me." Fitz warned.

Randolph slowly walked towards Leo, giving him a shrug. "And I could. Literally. But, then, I don't know what Amazon woman, Stark's super-powered daughter, and robot hand are capable of these days, so I will help you get her back."

I let out a snort, quite amused. Good choice. Randolph then continued on. "I'm not entirely heartless. But if I do, I want your word that we will demolish this portal and no one passes through it again."

"I'll sleep better at night." Coulson confirmed.

"Good." Randolph said, pleased with his words. "Well, I've investigated a lot of these wormhole rumors, but that's all they were, rumors. None have panned out. So we know nothing of its origin?"

"It could be Kree." I pointed out.

"And this parchment was found with it." Bobbi informed him, handing him the parchment Fitz found while in Morocco.

The parchment was sealed in ziplock bag. As soon as Randolph laid his eyes on the parchment, his eyes lit up.

"Well, hello. I've seen this." Randolph mentioned.

"It's a common Hebrew word." Bobbi mentioned

Randolph nodded. "Yes. What else do we know, Mr. Fitz?"

"Uh, well, the monolith changed hands a lot. Germanic tribes, spent the hundred years' war in France. But before the Napoleon era, it was moved again. I lost track of it somewhere in..." Leo explained.

However, he was cut off by Randolph, finishing his sentence. "England."

I furrowed my brows. So he knows way more than we thought. But how did he know that?
Leo raised an eyebrow, just as surprised. "Yeah. How did you know that?"

"Because I have seen this word carved into the walls of a castle in Gloucestershire, England, in 1853." Randolph explained.

Wow, imagine being around during that time. I can't imagine living through all those years, especially all alone.

"To the plane!" Randolph announced, storming towards the door.

Leo, Coulson, Bobbi, and I stared at him, completely baffled. Oh okay...When we didn't follow him, Randolph turned around, surprised we didn't follow him.

"Am I allowed to say that?" Randolph questioned, wearing a sheepish smile.

Coulson shrugged, looking just as stunned as we were. "Let's all go to the plane, I guess."

°☆゚. * ・ 。゚°☆゚. * ・ 。゚°☆゚. * ・ 。゚

As soon as we reached England, we made our way towards the castle that he had mentioned. The castle was huge, but abandoned, containing vines all over the place. Once we made our way inside, we turned on our flashlights, scanning the place. The main hall was empty. Randolph's eyes lit up as he looked around, taking it all in.

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