Chapter 51: The A.T.C.U.

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⍟ ⎊ ⧗Chapter 51: The A.T.C.U. ⍟ ⎊ ⧗

As soon as we returned back to the base, I returned to my room to rest as I was still exhausted from using my abilities. As I kept a piece of cloth on my nose to stop the blood, I took out my phone, giving Stephen a call. It had been a while since I let him know I was doing. With that, I came across his contact information, which consisted of a picture of him on the rooftop, looking down at the lights with an expression of awe. After a few rings, he responded.

"Ari, darling, hey." He greeted, sounding relieved to hear me.

"Hey, honey." I said. "I'm sorry it took me a while to get back to you. These past days have been...well, crazy."

"I can imagine. Your texts were brief and concise." He stated.

I snorted. "And yours weren't?"

"Well, I'm sorry but I am have been swamped with work." He shot back, feeling as his irritation began to rise.

No doubt he was cranky, because he hadn't slept in a while. I let out a sigh, knowing we would get into another argument if we went down this path again. I don't need to get into another silly squabble with him.

"You're right. I should go, something's come up." I replied.

"As you wish." He responded.

Without saying another word, he hung up. That conversation left a bitter taste in my mouth. However, it's nothing. This is just something that all couples go through, right? The next day, Coulson, Leo, Mack, Astra, Bobbi, and I were in the lab, discussing Jemma and her lab results. There was no sign or radiation of infection within Jemma, which was a relief. She didn't have to go through quarantine, which was a good thing. However, there were still other matters that were concerning, especially as she was showing high levels of stress, indicating there was something or someone on that planet that caused it.

"Simmons didn't have to go through quarantine, which is good, all things considered." Coulson mentioned.

"What exactly are these things that we're considering?" Mack asked, not following.

"Everything that comes with being on another planet for months." Bobbi answered.

"Different atmosphere, different levels of oxygenation, different microgravity." I explained.

"Every system in her body's out of whack." Astra clarified.

"Cardiovascular, inner ear, respiratory all got used to being not here." Leo elaborated.

"Labs indicate oxidative stress, vitamin D deficiency, upper-respiratory irritation." Bobbi informed Mack.

"Any mention of life, intelligent or otherwise?" Coulson inquired.

"Some flora, no fauna." Astra answered.

"She said she was being hunted." Leo mentioned.

My heart clenched. Could it have been that voice that I heard through the monolith? Mack did a double take, blurting out. "Wait, what? What does that mean? Hunted by what?"

Leo shrugged. "She didn't say. I don't know if she even knows."

Coulson gasped. "My God. Imagine her having to go through all that alone for that long."

I grimaced. That was horrible. I'm glad we were able to get her back. Something like that is terrifying and scarring.

"Well, thanks to this guy, not anymore." Bobbi pointed at, motioning towards Leo.

"Monitor her physical health." Coulson ordered. "I've got a call in to Dr. Garner. Her mental health is just as important. But don't push her. She'll open up when she's ready."

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