Chapter 11: Be Careful

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⍟ ⎊ ⧗Chapter 11: Be Careful ⍟ ⎊ ⧗

A huge smile appeared on my face. "Thank you. None of you will regret this."

"That remains to be seen." Holly retorted. "How did you know about the artifacts with the symbols, Miss Cruz?"

I shrugged. "I have friends and allies in all places around the world."

"And how do you know they're alien?" A man inquired.

"Because I have done my research. It's not a language or any written system on Earth." I clarified.

"If we do let you work in this....department..." Holly trailed off.

The way she said the department was very weird. Something's definitely off. I remained silent though as she continued. "We need to make you understand our rules and the way we operate. What you'll be doing is different than what most of our employees are working on and know. Only those on the top like myself and the board along with a few others know of this secret operation involving the artifacts with the writing."

This didn't seem right. Why were they telling me this? I raised an eyebrow, crossing my arms. "And I get the pleasure of knowing this? How do you know I won't tell anyone else?"

"Because a scientist like you won't turn down this opportunity. Not when we have what you're looking for. And if you dare tell anyone else of this, then you will wish that you never stepped foot in here in the first place." Holly warned.

I grimaced. The threat was loud and clear. I took in a deep breath, reaching out to the Force to calm myself down. Just because I did this several times before didn't mean that I didn't grow nervous from time to time. A wave of serenity washed over me, calming me in a matter of moments.

"Fair enough. When do we start?" I questioned.

°☆゚. * ・ 。゚°☆゚. * ・ 。゚°☆゚. * ・ 。゚
I could feel the pain growing. It felt like my entire body was covered in flames. I shouted and cried, begging Reva to stop. She turned away from me, unable to look me in the eye.

"Where does the Path Network extend to? How many planets does it reach?" Reva demanded.

"I don't know! I swear to you that I don't know!" I yelled.

"Lies. You can stop this, Princess. All you need to do is give me what I want. Where does the Path Network reach to?" She insisted.

The scenery changed, now I was strapped down in a bed in the same room where I met Holly and the others. Across from me was Stephen, who was pinned down to the table. Several of the men were holding him down as resisted, doing his best to fight against the men. My heart dropped.

"Stephen!" I cried out.

"Aurora!" He exclaimed, his voice laced with fear.

"You tell me why you're truly here or I won't hold back on him." Holly's voice rang out.

"No, stop!" I shouted.

At that moment, I woke up with a scream as I sat up on my bed. I could feel my heart hammering against my chest, prepared to fly out. I felt a head of sweat from on my forehead. I glanced around my room, which was still intact. There were times when I'd awake from my nightmares and find my stuff thrown all across the floor. It was frightening, and it definitely scared dad and Astra. However I assured them that everything was fine, not wanting them to worry. But in reality, I wasn't all right...I told no one else about what happened that room, where I was interrogated all alone. Astra had asked me, assuring me that I could tell her anything, which I did. However, I didn't want her to worry.

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