Chapter 23: The Alien City

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⍟ ⎊ ⧗Chapter 23: The Alien City ⍟ ⎊ ⧗

"I'll let you know when it's over." I mentioned before returning to the matter at hand. "Jemma, at least, be honest with him. If you don't have trust, then you can't have anything."

Jemma gave me a nod before changing the subject. "You call him Leo, and he doesn't say a thing?"

I shrugged. "Nope, he didn't. How come?"

Jemma hesistated. "He's not fond of his first name. Reminds him of his father."

I furrowed my brows, baffled. "What happened with his father?"

Jemma wore a grim look. "He left him and his mother when he was only ten. He was terrible with Fitz."

That sounded awful. I grimaced. "That's horrible."

Jemma nodded. "It was, but fortunately he's out of Fitz's life for good."

I felt terrible for Leo, but I was happy that wasn't my case. Despite the differences dad and I had along with our arguments, I know he loves me and wants the best for me. It's just a shame that not everyone was able to experience that. Once I left Jemma, I made my way up towards the briefing room, where Coulson was, standing behind the holotable. On the screen in front of him was Billy Koenig.

"I'm telling you, sir, she looked exactly like Agent May, except for the freaky facial-scar thing." Billy mentioned.

"That was Agent 33. She was wearing a nanomask, disguised as May, but May electrocuted her right in the face." Coulson informed him.

From the background, we heard Sam shout out. "Oh, that is so badass."

"Sam, I'm on with the director." Billy scolded. "Thank you."

I let out a snicker. Never a dull moment with the Koenig brothers. Coulson then returned to the subject at hand. "You were saying you think Hydra was there to kidnap Raina, not kill her?"

"Well, we counted four two-man teams, all non-tactical, all in full surveillance mode. And the freaky one told Raina that Whitehall wanted to talk." Billy elaborated.

I furrowed my brows. What did Whitehall want from Raina? What did she have or know that was of value to Hydra? Coulson seemed just as puzzled.

"Question is why...and why now?" Coulson inquired.

"No idea, sir, but this is the first sighting we've had of Hydra since you let Raina out in the wild." Billy stated.

"Okay. I'm sending Agent May and Aurora with an extraction team. Sit tight until they get there." Coulson ordered.

"Copy that, sir." Billy confirmed.

"He's sending the cavalry and the Jedi, Aurora Stark. Sweet!" Sam exclaimed.

Billy immediately spun around to "Sam, what, are you thirteen? You can't do a sit-up. You think you're gonna hook up with the cal..."

Coulson then hung the call before Billy could finish his sentence. I let out a snicker. That Sam was something else. I then approached Coulson.
He immediately jumped, looking startled.

"You know you should try announcing yourself when you enter a room." He quipped.

"I wore a sheepish smile. "Sorry, sir. Can't help that I'm such a good spy."

"Easy there, Stark. How much you heard?" Coulson asked, changing the subject.

"Pretty much everything." I mentioned. "What do you think Hydra wants with Raina?"

"It might have something to do with the city. Whatever it is, it's not good." Coulson stated. "Which is why we need to move fast."

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