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Playlist used : https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0p4WoBmWc60u9NNg1TlbJb?si=rZGJJ0RDThy-QmfodZcUgA


KNOCK.KNOCK.KNOCK. I hear someone banging on the door. I ran downstairs to open it as I had no idea who it could be. Charlie is on a work trip and my folks are abroad right now so it literally could be anyone. It's been so boring without Charlie home so even the small possibility of anyone being here is stirring up so much excitement in me. I swing the door open to see a short, olive skinned boy with blue, siren shaped eyes and black curly hair. He is carrying 2 suitcases and 3 bags.
"CHARLIE!" I exclaim hugging him so tightly he may actually burst. He drops his bags and hugs me back.
"Hi" he mumbles
"I thought you weren't getting back for 2 more weeks!" I say with my arms still wrapped around his neck
"Yeh well I lied cuz I wanted to surprise you" he chuckled "am I allowed into my house now"
"Oh shit yeh welcome home" I mutter letting go of my grip on Charlie. He drags himself into the house, as I help him with his bags. I drop his bags in the hallway as he slumps down onto the sofa. I sit next to him as he plops his head on my shoulder.
"God I've missed you" he mumbles
"I've missed you too"


Being back with Nick after 4weeks is like heaven. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed myself on the trip but nothing compares to being with nick.
"So how was your work trip" nick asks whilst playing with my hair
"It was alright actually. There was a lot of alcohol. I mean like a lot. Like you would think we were on a stag do if we weren't working. Well 'working' we were all very hungover the majority of the time. But apart from feeling like I was going to spontaneously combust at any second it was fine" I replied
"Sounds like fun" nick chuckles
"Yeh I suppose. How was it here without me?" I smirk at him. He sits up, moving me off his shoulder, and turns to face me.
"Don't even it's been the most boring month ever. The most interesting thing that has happened was that my mom's best friend, you know Mandy?"
"Well her kitchen got re-done so we went round and got drunk. That's literally it. It's been so boring I can't even I've actually missed you so fucking much" he kisses me passionately before swiftly pulling away. "Oh and also" Nick walks over to the kitchen, opens a draw and pulls out a small box. "I urm got you this" he hands me the box "it's a urm ring. I just saw it a few weeks ago and it made me think of you so I brought it but if you don't want it I can take it back or whatever it doesn't really matter-" I cut him off by kissing him. You would think after living together for almost 2yrs he would be less dorky.
"I love it. I love you"
"I love you too"


My face is still only centimetres away from his. He wraps his arms around my neck and kisses me again.We make out for a while before Charlie pulls away. He takes my hand, stands up and pulls me to the bedroom. As we walk in Charlie turns around and places his hands either side of me pinning me up against the door.Charlie's lips meet mine again. I find my hands wrapping around his waist pulling him closer to my body. We then move towards the bed, our lips still laced, and I fall down onto it and Charlie falls on top of me . The feeling of his lips on mine makes me forget about everyone else in the world. When we are together, nothing else matters except him. My mind fixates on him and only him. It's as if he is brainwashing me.
Charlie sits up, his legs either side of my hips, and turns around. I hear the quiet beep of my speaker turning on before 'I feel like I'm drowning' begins to play and Charlie's lips are on mine again.
He tugs at my shirt signaling he wants me to take it off. I pull my shirt over my shoulders and chuck it onto the floor. I grab Charlie by the waist and role us over so that I'm now on top of him. I break away to kiss his neck as soft moans escape Charlie's mouth. I use my one hand to grip onto Charlie's hair and my other to stabilise myself. I work my way up from the bottom of his neck back onto his face leaving a series of love bites behind me. I sit up
"Can I take this off?" I ask him, touching his shirt.
"You can do whatever you want to me" Charlie states breathlessly
And at his command I do just that. I take his shirt off and chuck it on the floor before I go back to kissing him. I work my way down his neck onto his chest and further down to his stomach
"God your beautiful" I mutter under my breath. My lips work their way around Charlie's waist, kissing every square centimetre. I drag my bottom lip and tongue up his body and onto his neck. I begin to leave countless hickeys on his neck before I reach his sweet spot.
"Oh nick" he moans quietly
Did he just moan my fucking name. Wow. This boy knows how to turn me on
"You have no clue what your doing to me Nelson"
"My turn now Rugby boy" he smirks as he rolls me over he lifts my chin up and begins snogging my jaw. I feel my chest tighten as he finds my sweet spot.
"Fuck Charlie" I moan loudly
"Oh you like that do you Nelson?" he smirks "well too bad"
He moves onto the other side of my neckThe feeling of his tongue on my skin sends me to another dimension. He is all I ever want. He is all I will ever need. Just him. He moves from my neck back to my lips. He kisses me then pulls away.
'You'll have to wait for that Nicholas" he whispers into my ear before kisses my neck
"Your a mean man Charlie spring"
"Oh yeah? even when I do this?" He brings his lips back up to my mouth and his tongue begins exploring. He bites my bottom lip and pulls back. He then trails his hand up my leg and down onto my inner thigh. He then brings his face close to mine but doesn't kiss me, he traces my lips with his finger and lifts my chin up. Each time I go to kiss him he moves away until we are both sat up. Him straddling my legs.
"You're a big tease..." I move my face closer to his ear and whisper
"...but I'm bigger" (hahah penis jokes) I swiftly rolled over leaving Charlie knocked flat on his back.
I remove any remaining clothes from both of our body's and I find myself in between Charlie's legs. I kiss his inner thighs and the bottom of his stomach. As I kiss his thighs his head rolls backwards making his back arch. Charlie attempts to restrain himself by biting his lips but it does very little as sink my lips deeper into his skin.
"Okay Nelson you win" he whimpers.

this is the only bit of smut y'all are getting the rest is all gonna be lovey dovey shit:))

1209 words 😏

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