Contacts (glasses pt.2)

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Sorry I've been away for so long I've had a complete block but I popped this out so enjoy love you all


     You know when you're really excited for something and you physically can't wait for it to happen but it feels like time is taking extra long just to torment you? Yes? Well that's what's happening right now. Nick is coming over in a few hours and I'm so bored just waiting for him to get here I could scream. Literally wanna cry. But I'm not gonna go into the classic soliloquy of 'Nick and I have been dating for a while now' and blah blah blah to kill time as  I'm so bored I can't even be arsed to do that. But for like a little bit of context into what is happening now, everything is great. Beyond great actually. Just makes me feel all dizzy and jittery and just SHSHSHSHSHSHSH. You get me? Good. Nicks is great. I am great. School exists. Tao is great. Issac, Elle, Darcy, Tara are all great. Life is great. And (touch wood) I hope it stays that way. Well life is great but what would make it great is if TIME WASN'T BEING A FUCKING BITCH DICKWAD AND HURRYED THE FUCK UP INSTEAD OF ME SAT HERE JUST —
   I hate playing the waiting game. Sometimes I wish that I could fast forward to the good bits. Alas, I can't. I'm stuck with the bits of filler they add to get the show's watch time up. I mean, sometimes the filler parts are actually quite fun. Not today though. UGH I'M SO BORED. Forget what I said, I'm doing my soliloquy. I don't care. Okay so, a few months ago Nick kissed me and I was like WHAT THE MCFUCK because like you know I had had a big fat crush on him since the seating plan at school. It was literally the best moment of my entire life. No joke. Anywho, he officially asked me out around a week after that whole fiasco and I obviously said yes because I'm not a psychopath and everything has been joyous since. We aren't out at school because that's unnecessary stress that neither of us need right now, with him sitting his literal GCSE's in like 5 months and me just like recovering from the mind fuck that was year 9, but we still spend as much time together as humanly possible. He's literally the most perfect boyfriend I could've asked for ever and also really attractive which helps his cause a little bit. I'm trying to think of more things to tell you but that's it really. Oh shit, he's a really good kisser as well. Like really good. It's becoming a problem actually because it's difficult at school now as well yeah....
What else? OOH DATES. We don't really go out on dates much but the first one we went on was everything. This mother fucking bitch took me to the beach, at sunset. HELLO WHAT THE FUCK? I was staying round his house for like a weekend because his mom wasn't their and didn't want Nick to be alone the entire time and I selflessly volunteered myself to stay with him. Well the first night, after school, he was like, 'get changed, drop your stuff and mine and then we are going out' and dragged me on a train to go see the sunset at the beach. Not only did he take me to a beach but it was some 'sacred' one that I have never even heard of because it was his favourite beach ever. What the fuck? How can I ever live up to that? Like there's him taking me to the beach and then here's me buying him chocolate and making him hearts out of paper. My whole gift cost £1.25 as I stole the paper from school. Speaking of which £1.25 for a fucking dairy milk Oreo was a scam. £1.25!!!!!!!! Like do they want me to go bankrupt? Honestly, I'm gonna fight the prime minister. I know my problems are small but it's still a problem. Another fucking problem is how FUCKING BORED I AM GOOD GOD. I don't even remember whose Idea it was for Nick to come round at 3pm but I swear to god time is actually moving slower. Like I'm genuinely convinced god hates me and is trying to send me into a depressive episode.

My dumbass🫶🏻

Me: what are you doing?
My dumbass 🫶🏻: good morning to you too <33
Me: I'm bored
My dumbass 🫶🏻: Hi bored I'm nick nice to meet you
Me: I'm going to block you
My dumbass 🫶🏻: fine do it then I know where you live
Me: is that a threat
My dumbass 🫶🏻: it's always a threat 🤗
Me: you couldn't touch me if you tried I'm to wham for you
My dumbass 🫶🏻: yeah I forgot about that
Me: you didn't answer my question
My dumbass 🫶🏻: what was your question?
Me: what are you doing?
Me: do not say your mom
Me: or your dad
My dumbass 🫶🏻: you're such a buzzkill
My dumbass 🫶🏻: that right say my name
Me: I'm literally going to dump you
My dumbass 🫶🏻: you love me too much for that
Me: don't edge your bets
Me: now answer my question
My dumbass 🫶🏻: i'm waiting for it to be 3 so I can come round yours because someone thought I was a good idea for me to come over later so you wouldn't be as tired.

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