They dont know about us

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Based on the gayest 1D song to exists ever


Okay so, Charlie and I have been dating for around 6 months now and to be honest it's absolutely amazing. Obviously at first I did have my doubts as any sexually confused teenager would do but I have since worked though it. It was really quite bad at the start though as I was terrified I had got my feelings confused and would've ended up losing Charlie for good but it turns out that his is my favorite person to exist ever and I DEFINITELY was not confused as I found out around 3 months ago when I saw him shirtless for the first time. 100% confirmed my sexuality. But even when I was scared Charlie was constantly their for me and I physically cannot thank him enough for that. It is actually kind of fun sneaking around at school, making out in the changing rooms, secretly touching knees under the table, catching each others eyes across the room when we are staring at one another, getting yelled at in tutor because we are talking to much, laughing because we got yelled at for talking to much, getting detention for laughing and talking to much, staring at each other in detention, it's fun being in a secret relationship. However it hasn't been all sunshine and rainbows as we have faced a few hiccups in the plan. Like when my rugby coach caught Charlie and I making out in the changing rooms, she didn't say anything obviously but it still shit me up. There was also the other time I nearly got us outed to the whole school because I may have accidentally on purpose given Charlie a hickey. Like I didn't mean to obviously but I definitely would do it again. And have. But we were smart about it then and got some concealer to cover it up. Just geniuses really. Then finally their was that time when Charlie decided that he was a cannibal and left hickeys all over my neck and jaw and we ran out of the concealer and promised to get more but got distracted and I had to face Charlie's parents with 7 more hickeys than I walked in the door with so we could go out and get more concealer. That was a fun moment. How does one explain that my neck is now purple because me and my 'best friend' were playing Mario kart? Answer: you say that they were the result of a tik tok trend where you pinch the skin and create a bruise (i don't think they believed us). I do really enjoy having Charlie in my life and I truly do not know what I would do without him. Although I do wish I could've spent more time with him in school before I left, I think it benefits us both by staying with our previous friends as we don't get shit from others. I do wish he was here though at times, right now being one of them. I decided that it would be an intelligent idea if I were to go out with Harry and a few other of the lads to essentially just sit in a field and drink. How splendid. I'm not drinking much, I've had this can for like 1hr and I just keep tapping on it whilst the others are like on their 3rd. I'm not a massive alcohol person to be honest like it makes me feel sick and I hate that. Also very few alcohols actually taste decent. I'm so bored I just want to go home and call Charlie. Why did I agree to this?


Why did I agree to this? Tao and Elle have somehow convinced me to go out with them today. Yay third wheeling. I wish Nick wasn't busy so he could come round mine but he is out with his mates. I don't even know where he is he just told me quote
'I want to kms'
'Im so dumb gonna cry'
'Charlie please come save me im actually going to pass away'
'Why do you let me make decisions why didn't yoy talk my out of this"
"Char im gonna kms"
"I hate men"
"Love you tho <3"
"Save me i beg"
End quote. So safe to say it's going really well. I don't know where tao and elle are taking me but hopefully I have more fun than nick which by the sounds of his messages isn't going to be too difficult.


A field. They are taking me to a field. What about me screams I wanna go sit in a field? I'll tell you, FUCKING NOTHING. I'M GOING TO THIRD WHEEL IN A FIELD! CURRENTLY GOING TO PUNCH THEM BOTH. I DON'T CARE IF ELLE IS A GIRL I WILL STILL HIT HER. to be honest I'm not even third wheeling badly. I wish Nick were here. Suddenly from a far I hear an all to familiar voice and I don't know whether to cry with depression or happiness
"Yeh nick don't you think she's fit," Harry shared.
My eyes immediately fall on Nick. His cheeks flushed red briefly before he glanced down at Harry's outstretched hand to stare at a picture, there's no doubt he was on wizz or something.
"I mean yeah I guess" he stutters grabbing the back of his neck. His cheeks are still glowing. I want to go save him. Just drag him away. But I can't. Harry's eyebrows furrow, his face bearing a dirty look shooting in Nick's direction.
"What d'you mean 'you guess' fucking look at her mate, she's fit as fuck! Does your dick even still work mate? You have shut down every girl within like a 50 mile radius. You got like fannyphobia or something" he cackles. I can't help but smile a little bit. I mean fannyphobia, C'mon.
"Yeah she's fit" he answers coyly
"Their we fucking go took your fucking time. Fuck me man atleast we know your dick still works" the whole group laugh. And again so do I. Harry is a prick but like.... c'mon he is funny I can't even lie about that. Nick looks back towards the entrance catching my eyes. He sees my smiling and his face immediately relaxed before shooting  me a look as I firmly press my lips together. He stares at me with his stupid boyish smirk and rolls his eyes at me so I just shrug.
"Oi mate, let me give her your snap. What is it again?" Harry questions
"Nah don't give her my snap"
"Mate you're frigid, what's up with you? You're fully your own cockblock"
I snort
"Nothing I'm just.... not interested I guess"
"K whatever you fag" he rolled his eyes
Nick turns to me and smiles.
His stupid boyish grin.
I smile back.
Some things are better kept a secret.

1157 words 😜

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