The key (pt 2)

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My brain switches off for the 5 seconds we are in the kiss and all i can think of is the heat of his body up against mine. It's moments like these that make me forget that there is a world out there that exists and that I can't just live in these moments forever.
The feeling of the rain hitting my back brings me back out of my haze as mine and Charlie's lips disconnect. We stand in the rain for a moment, our foreheads resting against each other before charlie starts laughing
"Really smooth nicholas"
"Yeah yeah whatever" i roll my eyes as i start smiling myself "Okay now we can go inside"
"Okay" Charlie answers, his teeth chattering and his face as red as a tomato.
We ran inside and I am now officially out of clothes so we agreed to go to my flat. I try to tell Charlie to get changed but he says he feels bad getting into new clothes while i'm still freezing, but to be honest i think he is colder than me, and i'm not even wearing a shirt. Charlie grabs an, unnecessary, umbrella for the walk to the car and we get in. If i'm honest, the main reason i wanted to go back to mine wasn't because of the lack of clothes, it's because my mom isn't there for the first time in almost a week. I just moved out of my mom's house and bought a flat. My mom has stayed with me the entire week to make sure I'm settled in properly. But I finally got her to leave so now me and Charlie have the flat to ourselves. It also may have been because I didn't want to sleep around charlies. I love spending time at charlie's house but when i stop it is really difficult because he has a single bed so we often just end up pumping up an air mattress and sleeping on that. But it is rare that we stay around charlies. I say 'rare' but, as I said before, we stay round each other's houses so often we may as well live with each other . So it isn't really rare but it's more like once a week we stay round charlie's house.
On the car ride there me and charlie talk about work and how our days have been. Charlie is still shivering as he is sat there, soaking wet, in jeans and a t-shirt. I turn up the heat in the car but it doesn't really do much. When we get back to the house me and Charlie wrap ourselves in towels as I bolt into the next room to grab us some clothes. I grab myself some joggers and a t-shirt and charlie the same, as has no clothes here (yet). Although, I think he knew that and refused to get changed round his so that he could steal my clothes. He does that quite a lot , stealing my clothes I mean. They show up baggy on him as I am taller and bulkier but I think he likes that. I've tried wearing charlie's clothes once; it was in the summer a few years ago. We had this massive water fight in the garden and we were both soaked but i didn't have any clothes round charlies and i hadn't got my driver's licence yet so it would have taken 20 mins to walk. Charlie then came up with the brilliant idea that I should borrow some of his clothes. I managed to get them on but I looked like a so incredibly stupid as everything was so tight on me. After that i either went home to get changed or just sat there in my clothes.
          Once we are both changed i make us some food. Its nothing exquisite as i cannot cook for the life of me. To be honest neither of us can cook really but i am just exceptionally shit. I browse the cupboards looking for something to cook but i end up just chucking 2 pizzas in the oven. I examine the back of the box looking for instructions on how long to cook it for but I can't find any so I just chuck it in for 25 mins and call it a job done. I walk out the kitchen and collapse down next to charlie on the sofa. He is on his phone scrolling through tiktok as always. I snatch a blanket from behind the sofa and cover us with it. He rests his head on my shoulder and we sit like this until the pizza is done
After what feels like 25mins I get up to check the pizza. As i open the oven a gust of smoke hits me in the face making me choke.
"Everything okay" i hear charlie yell back
"Yeh everythings fine" i answer wafting the smoke away from my face
I pull the pizzas out of the oven and glance at blackened exterior
"Urm char... are you sure you want some food?" i ask him
"yeh ... why" he looks back
"Well urm the pizzas are a cheeky bit burned" i show him the pizza laughing
"Oh my god nick" charlie starts laughing "how the fuck did you manage to burn it this badly" Charlie looks back into the kitchen from the sofa
"I didn't set a time and just guessed how long 25mins was" i say as i try to catch my breath "and now we are here"
"Nicholas you cooked them for 45mins! Why do you have no concept of time?" Charlie finally gets up from the den he has created on my sofa.
"I do I am an omnipotent being Charles I just was spending time with you and got distracted" I shrug
"Omnipotent my fucking arse show me what you have done" I hold up the charcoal coloured brick to show him. This causes him to burst out laughing.
"Yeh no there is no salvaging any of that pizza" Charlie is laughing so hard he can barely breathe. 
"Really Sherlock I didn't know" i roll my eyes Charlie grins
"Don't be sarcastic with me Nelson you're the one who believes he is an 'omnipotent being' and didn't set a timer" he grins and knocks on the crust of the pizza "Well done you have successfully made a house brick" He regresses back to his den
"At least I tried" I sulk before I pick up my phone and order us a pizza. I really did want to make food for me and charlie as even though it's just pizza it's something nice I can do you know what i mean?
"I've just ordered us one" i flop down next to him on the sofa, pouting. "I'm sorry I couldn't make us one I really did try"
"I know you did but it's fine your simply one of the many people in th world who can't cook and that's okay" he cradled my cheek and smiled.
"Don't be patronising" I give a sad smile
"I'm not I promise" he gives me the same smile back.
It arrives about 20minutes later and we eat it whilst watching the hunger games for the 100th time.


Its moments like this i wish to cherish forever. Me curled up in nicks arms watching netflix for hours on end. We don't need to be doing things all the time, we don't need to be making out every 5 minutes for us to have fun. This is my version of fun. Rewatching the same film over and over until it gets boring, Curling up on the sofa with a blanket and food. It's all just perfect.
After we have finished the pizza, Nick and I lay for another 30 mins before it occurs to me that his mom isn't back home yet. His mom normally finishes work around 6pm and gets back around 6:30pm but it is 7:30 and there was still no sign of her.
"Nick is your mom working late tonight or something?" i scan the room for a sign of her as if she has been hiding in the corner the whole time
"Oh shit i forgot to tell you" nick exclaimed "Oh god no man I was gonna do a whole thing but erm I forgot shit okay" he stutters " So basically my mom has officially gone so we kind of have the whole place to ourselves"
"Wait what ?!" i state sitting up a little "You mean we have the whole place to ourselves and you didn't think to tell me"
"Well i forgot " nick laughs looking down at me making his eyes meet mine
I laugh sitting up onto my elbow so that i am just below nicks face
I pull him down towards me for a kiss but he already is moving my way
Nick pulls away before speaking again
"Wait I have one more surprise for you"
"What" Now I'm really nervous
"Well you know how we say round each other's houses quite a lot to the point we are basically living together."
"Yeah" I'm really struggling to see where he is going with this
"Well I thought I would make that more official by giving you this" he pulls a key out of his pocket "it's a key to erm this place so you can like come stay here whenever"
The only thing I can think to do is kiss him again. So that's what I do. I kiss him again, pushing myself up a little.I then sit up fully, scooch myself closer to Nick and pull him in for a more passionate kiss. I grip onto his shirt and lean backwards, pulling him on top of me.
Being with Nick is the only time I am truly happy. I mean I am happy around my friends and and sometimes around my family but it is just something different about the happiness I feel when I am with nick. It's more intense, overwhelming even. It's like a drug, and I am addicted to it. I know it sounds stupid and sappy but it is genuinely how I feel with him. He is the only person who has ever truly understood me and my brain. The only person who can get me through a breakdown and come out the other end smiling. I love him so much it's unreal.
"I take it your happy about this" nick smirks
"Nah it sucks" I smile before pulling his face down to mine once more

After a few hours have passed, and me and nick have managed to re-watch the first hunger games film for the millionth time, we head upstairs to Nick's bedroom. Well I suppose I could say our now. Our bedroom. Nah, that sounds weird I'm not technically living with him yet. I flop down onto his bed and he flops down next to me
"What time is it" I yawn
"Urm..." nick mumbles pulling his phone out of his pocket "9:47"
"Really it's only 10 o'clock" I roll over onto my side so I am facing nick
"Yeah why? You tired?" Nick frowns
"No im fine" i say suppressing a yawn
Nick turns on his tv and puts on the 2nd hunger games film 'hunger games - catching fire' i pull out my phone and scroll through TikTok for a few minutes before nick takes my phone
"Urm excuse me" he does this weird impersonation. I'm not sure what it's meant to be but it sounds like my yr 9 history teacher Mrs Holmes "All mobile devices must be switched of during films nk'you"
"Sorry jeez" I focus my eyes back at the movie


As the film finishes I look over at Charlie to find him fast asleep. He looks so adorable. He is curled up into a ball with hands tucked under his cheek, a streak of orange light from the street lamps outside illuminating his face. He's so pretty.
I quickly take a picture of him in case he moves. I slowly get up so that I don't wake him and close the curtains, darkening the whole room. I slowly creep round the bed and cover him with a blanket. I would usually cover him with my quilt but I don't want to wake him up by pulling it from underneath him. I plant a quick kiss on his forehead, pull my shirt over my head to take it off and lie down next to him. I quickly message him goodnight sleepy :)) ❤️ before falling asleep as well.

2107 words 😜

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