I promise

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TW: mentions of rape, SA, blood, bruising, drugs


   I wake up to a cold chill running down my back. I feel a dampness beneath my feet as I begin to stand up. Sharp blades of frozen grass weave their way around my feet. Where am I? It's cold, dark and raining. I searing pain shoots through my head as I cup it tightly. Slowly pulling my hand away I reveal a thick layer of blood and dirt has trickled its way down my fingers. What's going on?
"Nick!" I call out weakly; my voice hoarse
No answer.
"Nick!" I yell a little louder before my voice breaks.
No response
I take a few steps forward glancing at the floor. I'm down cracker. I recognise the path. Why am I down cracker ? I never go down cracker it's a shit tip. Well at least I think I'm in cracker my eyes keep flickering in and out of focus.
      The last thing I remember was going to a party with nick. It was Harry's 24th birthday. We all had gone round to this huge place he had rented out to get pissed up. I had stuck to nick like glue tonight as I literally didn't know anybody else their. I only left to get a drink i think but after that the rest of the night is a blur....

"Nick c'mon you're not funny I'm cold and I want to go home '' Surely this is a joke right? Him and harry probably think it's funny or somthing. He can be a dickhead when he is with Harry. Its like he is suddenly 15 again and finds "your mom" jokes funny. But, I mean, I don't think he would joke about this. Would he ?

I walk for a while, my feet freezing and the ice coated grass. My vision was still very blurry, but not a drunk blurry, I've never experienced this before but I don't think I like it. My fingers are numb with the cold. I know I wore a jacket but I must've lost it. After walking for about 10mins I call nicks name again
"Nick!" I sigh, exasperated
"CHARLIE" I hear a blood curdling yell from a short while away.
That's nicks voice
"CHARLIE" he mutters something else but all noise is blocked out by a sudden dizzy spell
      All of a sudden the pain in my body leaves me and I am just sprinting. I don't know how far or how long for but I hear his distressed cries in the distance. I reach a clearing.
"NICK!" I bellow tears edging their way out of my eyes "NICK WHERE ARE YOU"
"CHARLIE!" My head turns towards a light and I see Nick standing their bruised. He has a cut in his left cheek that is pissing blood and a black eye. His lip is all swollen and his hair is a mess. He has boot scuff marks all across his face like he had been kicked with a muddy shoe. You can hear the distress in his voice, he sounds like he has been yelling for ages.
"Oh my god Nick what happened, are you okay?!" I rush over to him but he suddenly starts yelling at me
"No I'm not going without you, what's going on?!" My face is damp with tears all of a sudden I feel a hand grab my shoulder
"Hello Charlie spring" I know that voice. "I would say fancy seeing you here but I did drug you and bring you here so it makes sense"
"Ben, please" I plead still not turning around. My vision has started to go cloudy again. I'm fading in and out of consciousness
"Now I can finally finish what I started all those years ago and guess what your little faggy boyfriend is here to watch" he shoves me onto the cold, hard ground.
"Please Ben, please" all I can do is cry and beg my body wont let me move. It's like I'm paralysed.
"CHARLIE!" i here nicks voice Yelp
"CHARLIE!" He cry's again as I lie their helpless
"CHARLIE!" My eyes snap open and Nick has his hands on my shoulders.
"Charlie, are you okay?" He stares down at me.
I feel sweat pilling  on my brow yet somehow I'm cold. I can't breathe and my hands are shaking. All I can do is bring a hand up to my mouth and sob.
"Hey hey hey hey it's okay i've got you" nick cradles me in his arms. I sob until I can't breathe. After about 30 mins of just me sobbing I finally calm down
"Hey are you okay now" he looks at me lovingly
I nod my head my lips still trembling still trembling
"What happened I just woke up to you lay their with your eyes cello-taped shut and you were shaking and crying"
"I-I-I don't know. You were their and and and Ben he drugged me and raped me and you couldn't help me and I couldn't move but Ben was their and he got to you and I promised myself I would never let him get to you but I was lying their on the floor and he raped me nick-" and I'm crying again
"Hey you're okay i've got you love" he gives me a soft smile. Not in a mocking way in a comforting way.
"I'm sorry" I say
"No your not you have literally nothing to apologise for"
"But it's 3am and your having to comfort me like I'm a baby"
"No im not I'm having to comfort you because you had a dream that someone raped you. I don't think that happens to baby's very often" I let out a small laugh. I allow my breathing to steady before trying to go back to sleep. Nick firmly wraps his arms round my body but hesitated for a split second
"Are you okay with this?" He asks
"Yes nick it was just a dream" I sigh "please never let me go"
"Charlie I promise you I will never let you go"

1024 words

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