Okay pt 3

847 19 4

All songs used in this one shot in order
(=pt1 ☑️=pt 2 ✔️=pt3)
-in my blood - shawn mendes
- I want to write you a song - one direction
-flash drive - the driver era
- conversation- Michael aldag ☑️
-fool for you - zayn ☑️
-okay - Michael aldag✔️


Charlie. He's here. I've seen him. He lied. Their was no book thing. He's here. He's heard me singing the songs I wrote about him. I'm going to cry. The next song is the un-released one. About him. Oh shit


He doesn't take his eyes off me for a few seconds as he moves back to the mic stand and clears his throat
"Urm okay so the next song is actually one that none of you will have ever heard before as it's my newest song" this gets a big cheer from the crowd earning a laugh out of him. "Let me just give you a little backstory on this song," he looks at me as if debating what to say. I just crinkle my eyebrows as if to say get on with it and he seems to get the message. "For those of you who don't know I have been in a long- term relationship for the last 8 years" wait he's talking about me. He's addressing me. I'm gonna cry. "My partner..." he pauses and looks at me. He mouths 'can I?' I don't know where he is going but I trust him and just reply with a nod. "My boyfriend has been in a battle with their mental health for quite some time now so I wrote this song from two perspectives essentially. Mine and his." Oh no I'm going to cry. He has just told everyone he has a boyfriend. What!? "They don't actually know about this song as I've kept it from him for the past few months and today is going to be his first time listening to it as he have snuck into this show without me knowing" he laughs but composes himself and carries on his speech "so yeah there are 2 perspectives so I hope you like it and it makes sense... here is okay'' he sits down on a stool he has dragged out and grabs his guitar. For fucks sake an acoustic. He's going to make me sob. My eyes are already watering lord

I can tell you my old friends are jealous of my new friends because I spend more time with them
But I've got no new friends
I could tell you that I'm winning
I could tell you I'm on top
I could tell you about the women
And the money that I've got
But I've got none

Hahaha women. Like I pull women. Its not even that funny but I'm really struggling not to cry right now

We're not all meant to be a star
Some of us are better off as we are
And that's okay

Shit i've got the cry lump in my throat

I know it hurts
I know it burns
I know this is the last place
That you would've wanted to turn
It's a lesson learned

The cry lump is in full force right now and the direct eye contact is not helping me at all. How does he remember everything I've told him over the years?

I could tell you my mindset and that I'm doing fine again
Because I got it back on track
But I wouldn't lie to you like that

He mouths 'yes you would' to me making me smile as my eyes fill up with water.

Where not all meant to be a star
Some of us are better off as we are
And that's okay

Breathe charlie breathe

I know it hurts
I know it burns
I know this is the last place
That you would've wanted to turn
It's a lesson learned

Breathing fun I like breathing. I reckon I could hold these tears in for a little while longer. He pauses. Okay we are gonna be fine

I know the scars
Upon you skin
Remind you of
The scars within
I know you don't understand right now but sometimes you have to lose to win

Never mind. I'm crying. For fucks sake. Thankfully I can see he has water in his eyes as well.

Nobody knows me
Nobody showed me the way
I don't feel brave
I don't want a world to beat and I don't want a part centre stage and that's okay
Yeh that's okay

I know it hurts
I know it burns
I know this is the last place
That you would've wanted to turn
It's a lesson learned
I know the scars
Upon your skin
Remind you of
The scars within
I know you don't understand right now but sometimes you have to lose to win
And that's okay

The loudest applause erupts from everyone. I wiped the tears away from my eyes. The lump in my throat is getting more and more painful. All of a sudden I see him walk down from his little mini stage and over to the barricade when I am
"I can't believe you snuck in without me knowing!" He grabs my face wiping the tears from my eyes as they fall from his own
"I wanted to surprise you!" I yell back grabbing his face with the same energy again wiping his face with my thumbs. "I liked your song" I laugh and cry at the same time
"Yeah?" He laughs "I'm glad your crying cuz you liked it"
"I love you so much!" I yell
"Well I love you more" he exclaims kissing me. It's loud and chaotic. Everyone's eyes are on us and yet here in this moment it feels like just me and him. Throughout the whole kiss we are both smiling and laughing and it's just perfect. Our lips disconnect and the rest of the lounge comes into focus
"Okay i've gotta go back up there now or whatever to close the show but I love you so much" he pecks me on the lips again "also your coming backstage with me so I can show you everything because I've missed you and don't want to wait until I get home to see you again" he states before running up onto the stage. I've gone extremely flush and can't stop grinning.
"I get what tao means now about you to eye fucking eachother" Elle laughs "I'm assuming I'm leaving on my own?" She asks. I just smile. A dorky, cheesy smile. "I'll call Tao and tell him to come pick me up have fun with your boyfriend" she laughs

"I love you all so much. Thank you and goodnight!" Nick exclaims and blows kisses towards the audience. I'm so unbelievably proud of him.

1135 words 🧚‍♀️

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