The brief (part one)

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I am about to get my brief for drama and I am going to lose my mind. I'm currently attending my school's sixth form for BTEC drama, maths and music. I know a trio from hell. I chose maths because, like obviously for some completely unhinged reason god said I'm gonna be good at it. Music was obviously a no brainer. I mean if I didn't I'm pretty sure that miss birch, my music teacher, would've actually chopped my head off. Also if I want to get anywhere with the drums I'm gonna need to have at least an a-level in music. Drama is where it was a wild card. I didn't enjoy drama in year 9 and didn't pick it at GCSE however tao did and it seemed so fun. But, the cheeky little bitch, said he was going to stay on for sixth form then left for college so now I'm stuck with the fucking year 13s. I say that like it is plural. The year 13. Nicholas Nelson. Rugby star of Truham high school. And secret gay boy. I think. I am not sure. Usually I know a gay when I see one, however he is very confusing. I am pretty sure that he is dating this girl called Imogen but I have never seen them be 'coupley'. Like he doesn't post her on snap or insta. They don't kiss or touch at all in school. But she tells everyone that they are dating. Besides that, he gives me MAJOR gay vibes. I mean he does BTEC drama, BTEC sport and English literature. I have never met a wholly straight man who loves drama and English literature. They don't exist. Period. Also he is really fucking hot. Like seriously. He has messy blonde hair, about 6"1, big doe like blue eyes, and that body… holy fuck. Respectfully of course but Jesus Christ I would let that man pin -
"Okay so folks" my drama teacher snapped me out of my daze. I snap my attention back onto him and listen to what play he is about to give us
"So essentially because there are only two of you their are very few plays that we can do however I am thinking we do this one" he hands me and Nick a script. I gloss over the title as my eyes land directly on the front cover. It's a couple. A straight couple.
"Charlie, are you okay? you look like you've just seen a ghost"
Am I fuck? I have to be in a relationship with this hot ass, potentially gay, mother fucker. No I am not fucking okay!
"Are we going to have to be a couple?" I blurt out. I notice Nick out the corner of my eye turning to face me. Even though I can't see his features fully I know that he looks so beyond confused. I don't really speak to Nick much. Like yes obviously I speak to him in lessons but outside of lessons it's merely a head nod or a small smile in the corridors that is all. I have been blessed with the fact that we have been studying a practitioner called frantic assembly which meant that I didn't have to speak to Nick at all because we were just making a PowerPoint. I knew that once we left that component I would have to talk to Nick more and be somewhat friendly with him. I have no reason to be so scared to work with him in his eyes. But he doesn't know that he is a very very attractive man and attractive men make me very very nervous.
"Yes you are going to have to be a couple. But lads their are two ways we can go about this: one, we put one of you in drag and make you a hetero couple or we change it up a bit and have you be gays. It's your choice but I do need to know by next lesson so I'll let you hash it out. But in the meantime I think this lesson were just gonna read the play so you can get an understanding of that it is like"
I pick up my book from my lap and open the first page to start reading


After the longest hour of my life it is finally the end of the day so I can go home. I need at least 24 hours to process the bombshell that got dropped on me last lesson. Nick and I have to be a fucking couple. Someone sedate me. I pick up my stuff and head straight for the door not willing to let anything stop me. Nick is talking to the teacher for some reason but I can't be bothered to eavesdrop. I just want to go home.
"Charlie wait up" I hear Nick call from the classroom For fucks sake. I stand still right by the classroom door and wait for him. I am going to cry. He jogs up to me with his backpack slung over one shoulder and opens the door. He holds out an arm gesturing for me to go first and I do so, muttering a thank you under my breath as I walk past. He follows me out and we are in silence for a few very long seconds before he breaks it
"I know this is all a bit weird but I wanted to know what you wanted to do about the play. At the end of the day I don't really want to dress up in drag but if you want to we can do that. Personally I would prefer if we just did it as our own genders as I think it would be easier to act out. Plus I would corpse if I saw you in a wig and makeup on stage" he splurges out a mess of words. He sounds nervous. Why is he nervous to speak to me?
"I mean I'm not too keen on putting a frock on either. If you think that being gay would be better then we can do that." I sigh willing to get this conversation over with so that I can go home.
"You don't seem to convinced."
"It's just…. Don't you think it's going to be awkward at all us playing you know…a couple?" I turned to him. He stares at me like I have just told him I am pregnant and he is the father.
"Not really. I mean your a good actor and I would like to say I am to so I reckon we could pull this off. I'm not fussy so I think we could make it work" he shrugs
We are approaching the school gates and I am so ready to be done with this conversation I am considering running away.
"Yes we're both good actors but do you not think it's weird having to be gay?" I literally sound like a homophobe right now what is wrong with me
"Like I said I'm not fussy. As long as I have a pretty face to look at I'm happy" he shrugs. I think I choke on my tonsils.
"Alright then if your fine with it then so am I"
"So it's settled, we're doing the gay one then?" He asks.
"Yeah I guess so"
"Alright we will tell sir tomorrow. See you in a bit Charlie" he says as he departs leaving me no time for pleasantries.
What the fuck just happened?
Why the fuck did that just happen?
How the fuck have I gotten myself into a fake relationship with Nicholas Nelson and how the fuck am I going to control my emotions and not get attached?

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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