Merry christmas pt 1

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Nick's coming round today after he finishes work and I am so excited. Tori is at Michael's (her boyfriend) and my mom and dad have taken Oliver away for his birthday this weekend. I was supposed to go with them but I got sick earlier this week and decided not to go. It was nothing serious I just accidentally gave myself food poisoning. Well I say that I did, it was technically my moms fault for not telling me how long the leftovers had been in the fridge and then letting me EAT THEM. And then blamed ME! Anyway, we concluded earlier in the week I wasn't gonna go after a few days of me literally like dying. However, I got better about 3 days ago but I faked being ill as I simply didn't want to miss out on alone time with nick. Don't get me wrong I would've loved to go but I have missed being on my own with Nick so badly. For some reason every time Nick is over mine or I am around his, we constantly have supervision. Like I understand they don't want us doing "unholy" things but even if we were to do those things we wouldn't do it at 11 in the morning. On Top of that we would be able to get away with it anyways as we have the ability to be quiet, we were a secret for months, do you think we just held hands and cuddled for like 6months? Honestly the lack of logic is laughable. Anyways, I am so excited that I finally get Nick to myself without anybody else around. He should be coming round at about 3pm just after he finishes work and is staying over until sunday. I GET NICK FOR 3 WHOLE DAYS! sorry i'm just really excited.
I start getting ready at about 1-ish and by get ready I mean frolic around for an hour claiming that I'm cleaning then spend 45 mins in the shower before actually cleaning up. This whole process occurs every single time Nick comes over. Every time without fail I will procrastinate and save it for like 3 mins before he actually gets here. Speaking of 3 mins, I get a msg from Nick.
Nicholas🫶🏻: im omw rn ill only be like 3-5mins bcs im driving bcs im just diffrent like that ;p
Okay, I have 3 mins to sort out the mess I have made whilst cleaning. I quickly shovelled all the blankets I was supposed to be folding into a box, neaten all the cushions up, and just had a general tidy before I heard a few knocks on the door. YAYAYAYAYAY. I'm so excited.
"Nick!!" I throw my arms around his neck and he, somewhat confused, wraps his arms around my waist. I grab his face and kiss him. His cheeks and nose were all red from the cold. "Oh my days, you're freezing" I ushered him inside. I make us both a drink and then sit down next to nick. I ask him how work was and I am met with a 20 minute rant about something to do with "Brian and his shitty little grubby fingers" . To be quite honest I zoned out around 10 minutes in and I was too polite to tell him I wasn't listening.
"But yeah work wasnt fun at all, how was pretending to be ill" nick laughs, snapping me out of my state.
"Brill. absolutely. bloody. fantastic. I faked being sick twice before they left and they didn't even care because I'm just always ill anyways" I give a really aggressive thumbs up.
"Oh yes ofcourse that's the only way to be for real" he high-fives me and we laugh about it for a short while
"No really how has your day been?" He asks sincerely, slightly tilting his head towards the left
"It's actually been okay to be fair, I'm really happy that-you know- your here tho because, like don't tell anyone yeh but I've sort of like missed you or whatever" I give him a dirty look to balance out the amount of absolute cringe I have just spewed out of my mouth
"Ooooooooo Charlie springs excited to see me! what? That's kinda crazy you know"
"Shut up" I shove him, playfully, knocking him and myself slightly off balance.
"What if I don't want to?" He brings his one leg up onto the sofa and folds it in, simultaneously rotating his whole body to face me instead of just his head
"What's that supposed to mean Nicholas?" I shuffle around to face him
"What if I don't want to?" He puts a heavy emphasis on the I and simply just repeats his original question
"Then I guess I'll have to make you" I tilt my head and cross my legs. I scoot my body closer to his so our faces are merely centimetres apart. I begin to lean in closer to his lips, our faces inching dangerously close to each other. Right as he places his hand on my chin to kiss me I stop moving
"You're a shit flirt you know that" I grin and stand up , grabbing our glasses and purposely walking around him towards the kitchen, just to wind him up a little more. I feel myself beaming from ear to ear and blushing so much I would camouflage in a bin of tomatoes perfectly. I warm sweat breaks out on my body and I just want to jump up and down with glee, as I was out glasses repeatedly under the hot water. My mind is preoccupied with Nicholas that it takes me a good few seconds to acknowledge the burning sensation on the tips of my fingers from the boiling water coating them.
"Shit!" I whisper pulling my hands swiftly away from the hot tap. I feel Nick's eyes resting on me as I wash up the empty glasses endlessly. His eyes still pierce through my facade until i finally turn the tap off and dry up the glasses. Round and round i go with the towel wasting as much time as I possibly can, before nick finally snaps.
"Your a cunt" Nick tells me from the sofa. "You ain't even seen me for a week and your really gonna okay this game?!" I cautiously place the glasses away in the cupboard before gradually making my way back to the sofa. I bring a hand up to cover my flush cheeks as I relax my face muscles. I look at Nick, whose cheeks are still stained burgundy, and assemble my poker face. I sit myself down next to him
"Yes, yes I am"


Charlie Spring may quite possibly be the biggest tease on the whole planet. I hate him for it. He is a tease about literally everything, not just sex; well, I guess he's more of a wind up then, but either way, it's really irritating.
"I hate you" I laugh
"Awwww love you too" he kisses me quickly "OH SHIT! WAIT RIGHT HERE" he exclaims. He bolts upstairs and I hear some clattering before he speeds back down with a gift bag in his hand.
"Merry Christmas" he forces his hand out and shoves the bag into my hands "I was supposed to give it to you earlier this week when you gave me my present but it didn't arrive until like a day ago so yeh. It's not much because I'm broke but I thought it was cute."
"Thank you and you genuinely didn't have to get me anything"
"You always say that and I always get you something anyways"
I pull the cello-tape off the top of the bag and pull out a small box. When I open it I see two black rings, one with a C engraved into it and one with an N. A huge grin spreads across my face and I say no words. I just kiss him.
"I know it's cheesy but you have one with a C and I have one with an N. It's basically in upgraded version of writing your name on my hand"
"It's perfect and I love it"
"Look at the rest"
I reach my hand into the bag once more to find a piece of paper to find 3 pieces of paper stapled together. I look at the top of the first page to find it titled with pros. I turn the page over to see it's double sided and there is also a full second page before the third page is titled cons with nothing on it. I look at him as if to say what's this and I think he spots my confusion and begins to explain himself
"Okay so basically you know how I liked you for a while before you kissed me right so basically urm... I kinda made a Pros and cons list to try and get over you but it urm only made me like you more and like I couldn't think of any cons and i found it the other day and thought it was cute so yeah now you have it" His cheeks had gone bubble gum pink and he kept stuttering. I read through the pros whilst he was talking. They were so cute. I put the bag down and moved my body closer to Charlie's. He was looking down and fiddling with his fingers. I gently lifted his chin up to reveal his scarlet stained face and a small smile. I carefully pull his chin towards my face and kiss him.
"Charlie i love you so much"

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